Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Anees
Over 10 years experience Mastering Records and Albums from the Indies to the Majors.
I have worked countless hours producing, recording, editing, mixing, and mastering for artists across all genres of music. I have worked with artists such Laura Elliot, Anees The Rapper, Zach Matari, Robert Edwards, The Early November, and many more. My goal is to elevate music that I am working on to its highest quality and emotional impact.
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Nevve is one of the top electronic vocal projects in the world, with a million monthly listeners on Spotify and over a billion streams across all platforms. For the best in electronic vocals, reach out and we'll consider your offer. NOTE: Our price is $5K+. Serious inquiries only. Thank you!
Kevin Armstrong is the guitarist you may never have heard of, but have most certainly heard. He has had a stellar career since the early 1980s as sidekick for David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Morrissey, Sinéad O’Connor, Prefab Sprout, Thomas Dolby and host of others. He has played with a huge range of stars from Roy Orbison to Brian Eno.
Are you in search of impactful vocals that will make your song(s) turn heads? Look no further! I'm Maneesha "MJ" Jones, an experienced and versatile session singer with a passion for raising the bar.
Bringing songs to life with mixing :)
Eduardo Pereira graduated from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas in the course "Música popular: Violão" (Popular Music: Guitar). Currently lives in campinas, where he works as a mandolin, cavaquinho and guitar player.
Epicness for your sound!, Alternative and unique!!
Big and Tall Recording is a one stop shop for thoughtful and comprehensive production, mixing, and mastering.
I have worked countless hours producing, recording, editing, mixing, and mastering for artists across all genres of music. I have worked with artists such Laura Elliot, Anees The Rapper, Zach Matari, Robert Edwards, The Early November, and many more. My goal is to elevate music that I am working on to its highest quality and emotional impact.
Recent Successes
"Excellent communication, outstanding professionalism, and delivered exactly as expected. Superb job."
"Mario is a very talented sound engineer who was able to mix our tracks quickly and professionally. When we needed to make revisions, he let us come into his studio in LA and sit in on the final mix. He has a small mix..."
"Easy to work with. Delivered what I needed for the project."
"Kris has an amazing voice! She was very responsive about updates on the song and was always on top of things. Would love to work with her in the future!"
"I’ll readily admit I had nothing more than a vague idea of wanting horns in a song. Mike took that and gave me something great. My song is many times better for his talent. "
"I've had the pleasure of working with Keece now on our 5th project and it's been nothing less then a fantastic experience. The quality AND quantity of vocals received are always incredible, and done in such a timely m..."
"I worked with Zion for about a month on a song that I wrote, and because I'm not a musician needed him to compose it. He did a great job from the start. Excellent communication, understood the project, and nailed it. ..."
"Kim is just a wonderful musician across the board. She's my go-to flautist now and I can always count on her to record remarkable performances, whether following the orchestra in grand passages or delivering a moving ..."