Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with andy alba
Producer, with experience in Composition and sound design. I love the details, I work on each music as if they were my children.
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Want to get Out of The Box? Then Join Malik with Brain Water Productions Studio for Outstanding Quality and UnBeatable Services! The Future is Now, let’s walk it Together!
Im the better in my place!
2014 JUNO Nomination Best Adult Contemporary Album of the Year (Coral Egan- The Year he Drove me Crazy) 2014 Felix Nomination Best English Album of the year ( Coral Egan- The Year he Drove me Crazy) 2020 Win Canadian Folk Music Awards Joshua Haulli (best young performer of the year) 2019 Engineered sessions for Harvey Mason Jr, Jim Vallance
Hi, I'm a female engineer from San Diego, Ca!
Music producer, Recording studio owner, Music programmer, Guitarist, Vocalist and Mixing and Mastering engineer. Owns recording and mixing and mastering studio in Kochi, India. Has worked in the music industry for the the past 15 years.
Nos especializamos en composición de canciones de diferentes géneros, aunque primordialmente música urbana.
Recent Successes
"Fantastic experience working with mPHATic. This was our first collaboration together and he listened to what I had to say and made great suggestions for me to make backing vocals and harmonies to enhance the overall ..."
"amazing to work with. Exactly what I requested. Fast delivery. "
"10/10. My second time working with Chris. Absolutely fantastic mixes. Very fast turn around time, extremely professional and responsive. Would definitely like to work with him again in the future. Thank you!"
"Always great working with Bodo! Total professional and very patient with timelines- amazing kit sound, one of the best here! "
"I just keep on coming back for more. Absolutely the best!"
"Just finished my fourth album with Marcello and what can I say, him and his whole team just rock!!! I couldn't be more happy with the results!!!! Thank you Marcello!"
"This finished song in collaboration with Myguel is just amazing. Love it so much. Myguel was so easy to work with and completely took the song to a higher level. Will definitely work together again. No question."
"I'm very selective on who I work with, it just has to vibe and the person has to have a magical quality in the works. Philip is definitely one of those people and is a real pleasure to work with. We have become ..."