Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Andre Aquino
Professional work around alternative rock music and various musical genres. Mixdown & Production
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Over 10 years audio experience mastering music in a variety of genres including Acoustic, Rock & Pop with a specialty in EDM & Bass genres.
I am a creative and unique music producer with meticulous and high quality mixing skills.
Hi! I'm Dex, a Music Producer, DJ & Creative Visual Artist having produced a vast array of visual and audio works with notable placements with RocNation signee's. Let's collaborate and produce a HIT!
I have the means to mix and master your song(s) on any deadline.
Since 2001 I have experiences with bands, composing, writing songs, producing, live shows, recordings, studio sessions, tv programs, video clips. The music already took me to play at the Hard Rock Cafe, New York. Naturally I started working with audio edits, production, mix and master. If you need help to sound better, let's work together!
Pop, Reggaeton/Dancehall and Hip Hop music specialist • Super strict with the quality of your music • Free unlimited revisions! • Available for your projects now!
I´m a singer and songwriter from Finland, I´ve been singing professionally for over 10 years now, in Spain, Sweden and Finland. I´m also a singing coach and release my own music as well. I think that I would be a great top liner or singer for pop, rock and jazz music!
Producer with specialty in dark, moody or heavy tracks. From projects that just need that final percent, to projects that need to be built from the ground up, I will make sure your ideas are executed flawlessly.
Recent Successes
"Demi is dope. Gave her a concept of what I wanted and she ran with it and made something great. Easy to work with and flexible with pricing. 10/10 would recommend! "
"Wonderful skilled and world-class production. I look forward to working with William on the next tracks. "
"I gave Nathaniel a score for a 6 part string section, it was a challenging piece with esoteric harmonies that I knew would be difficult to nail. I had a narrow budget and he went above and beyond, spending additional ..."
"Quick, talented + easy to work with=gold. Will work with Drew again if hes available. "
"Naski is a great and very knowledgeable producer. He is very professional, follows instructions very well, and when you need to think outside the box, he is the guy. My advice; try him out, and you won’t regret it."
"It's a pleasure working with Killian! Great work on the track, which is sounding brilliant. Very straight forward communication and really helpful and responsive. Many thanks!"
"Awesome experience working with Austin. Final Mix was perfect. He did a great job of capturing the sound that I was looking for in the track He really went above and beyond with attention to details, edits, notes..."
"Another Top job by Bram! Always bringing out that fine shine to your tracks n pumping low end loudness! Can't recommend enough! ✌️"
"All I can say is I keep getting Naman to session on my songs and he exceeds my expectations every time , a lot of great drummers out there but Naman is great technically and creatively , elevates my songs ."
"I'll sound like an echo chamber here: But Juan is a pro's pro, and I'll keep saying it! A fantastic person to work with as well! "
"Amazing work with Cris, This guy hay crazy good vocal and I probably used 20% of his capabilities. professional to work with and even added his touch on the lyrics. Definitely going back for another track :)"