Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Andi Deris
I have been working as a studio and session drummer for more than 20 years. I currently record drums online for artists around the world and have recorded for musicians such as Andi Deris (Helloween), Elkin Robinson, Kiko Castro (12 Latin Grammys), Jose Luis Guerín ( Goya Award Winner) and many more. I'm looking forward to recording your music!
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I am 23. I have been singing unprofessionally since I was little. I sing back ground vocal (Harmony) in my church's worship band. I play a bit of piano and have been writing my own songs (lyrics) for over 10 years.
I'm a music composer/producer, have worked for many projects for many brands, documentaries, music libraries and films and of course my indie rock band KWOON.
Creative & sensitive. Experienced & hard worker.
~ Cheap Beats with Other Treats ~ Experimental Compositions for Soundtrack & Jingles ~ Drum Beats, Loops or Grooves for Online Sessions. Over a Hundred Groove Sketches for an Alternative Singer Lyricist or Instrumentalists to Collaborate.
With over 10yrs of experience, our team has been producing, engineering, and mastering projects for thousands of artist specializing in the Hip-Hop, R&B, POP, and acoustic genres.
Best beats in the game
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My primary goal is to end the LUFS race in the music industry. Let's act together according to what your piece needs and see the results. But of course, I will still try to keep the volume level of your track as high as possible.
Recent Successes
"Really great experience and Ziv works fast! Super happy with everything."
"Wes is awesome. I have done so many jobs with him I have lost the ability to say how awesome he is in a new way. He is just awesome. Work with him."
"Working with Dereck was just amazing. I can't emphasise enough what a great session we had last week. Previously I had sent him a very raw recording of a song I was writing. He replied to me promptly giving a detailed..."
"World class"
"Ronaldo is a professional like no other! He went out of his way to make the project complete. Kind man, polite communication, incredible musician! Can't recommend enough! He did synth tracks for me which were right ou..."
"Such an easy to work with engineer and always on point with every move. This is my second time hiring him and will most definitely do it again!"
"Sunny was great. I'm just an amateur enthusiast and he took my song and made it sound amazing. And he was very patient with me not knowing what I was doing. It was worth every penny. "
"Patricio always demonstrates his keen ability towards detail as well as adhere to directives which I find attractive enough to always demand his services time and time again "
"It was a pleasure working with Joseph!. He added the depth and clarity the song needed... He gave a detailed analysis of the work he did ...and an added bonus is he's super friendly!. He offers free revisions, but we ..."