Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ander Bock
Award-winning latin and hiphop music producer Cardec Drums,has worked with the likes of Lecrae, Andy Mineo, KB, Redimi2, Alex Zurdo amongst others as well as having been featured in sync placements with Netflix, Apple, Hulu, T-Mobile and many more. In 2023 "Get out My Way" produced by Cardec was featured in the Sony Pictures Film "Gran Turismo"
Josue Guzmán (Santo Domingo, June 16, 1991), known artistically as BS El Ideólogo.
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At The Pacific Studio, we work with a wide range of clients from Pop music to Jazz and from Rock music to Hard Core. Whether you need a demo, single, EP or a fully produced album, The Pacific Studio has been the right choice.
We Provide Complete Audio and Video Song Ready Professional Music Studio with Latest Equipments. Sound Recording | Music Video Shoot | Music Composing | Advertising | Music Album Print and Produce We are Specialised in Hindi, English and Punjabi Music Composing All Types of Music Video Shoots, With Both High Budget and Low Budget
If you're looking for a modern sound and top 40 vibes, I'm your guy. I've been producing for about 10+ years now. My most recent notable artists I've produced for thus far in my career include Estelle, Algee Smith (New Edition Bio Pic), Grow on the Detroit movie sound track and many others alike.
Multi-instrumentalist Producer, Mix & Mastering Engineer
I produce songs in my house for $20 a song, I want to test the waters by connecting with other artist who need a producer for vocals.
Hello, My name is Luke, and I am a health blogger at AspireHealthNetwork if you are looking for some healthcare blogs feel free to check out our website.
Colorado resident pursuing sound design and artist brand direction.
Hello! I produce EDM, Pop music, and Film Scores. I offer services for Mixing and Mastering!
Recent Successes
"I love working with the BrainStamp Music crew! They are professional, efficient and incredibly talented!! "
"Jessica is an divine singer, her professionalism, patience and knowledge really made the whole process easy. "
"I had a great experience with them Excellent communication *************** Super fast ****************** Great professionals *********** everything was good, they understood what I needed and did it in record ti..."
"I had a great experience working on a song with Arthur. The mixing and mastering came out amazing, and gives the song a really nice and professional sound. Thanks again!"
"Ziv brought the fire and intensity that my song needed. He played with passion and thoughtfulness and was appropriate from start to finish. Really well done and I will want to work with him again!"
"Brandon rode the sonic waves of my song like the pro drummer he is. He fully adapted to the small shifts in tempo and moulded a happy grooving bulldozer out of my own shy reference drum track. Don't settle for shyness..."
"What a treat working w/ Abriel! Just a terrific job turning trumpet solo for this song. Sent two versions and both were/are great! Thank you Abriel!"
"Really impressed with Jayd's writing ability awesome voice, professionalism and she sings with much soul, so honoured to be working with her. Highly Recommended"