Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Anabret
35+ years of experience in session bass, (arranging, tracking and engineering) for solo artists in the genres of country, adult contemporary, Christian and singer songwriter (and more!) My most famous client is Steve Wiebe (protagonist in the “King of Kong” movie)...
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I make it easier for bands and solo artists to manifest the sound in their head with bespoke services at my London recording studio.
Creative, soulful, melodies with warm, heartfelt and dynamic vocals. Placements on the TV show Power & Empire. Also seen on NBC's "The Voice", "Showtime at the Apollo" and on the Swedish annual TV program "Melodifestivalen". Click the music play button to hear more of Jennifer's work!
I'm a music producer and multi-instrumentalist based in Madrid, Spain. I am specialized in current pop.
Having been surrounded by music my entire life as a fan as well as being an entertainer has helped me appreciate the importance of music production. I have spent countless years perfecting my personal musicianship as a writer, instrumentalist and recording engineer. Challenge has always fascinated me when it comes to mixing and mastering
With me, your music will sound better.
well experienced Sound engineer designer.
Looking for classic hip hop production that Kanye, Jay Z, J Cole, and 2pac would fight over? Your search is complete. Make classic tracks that you can leave as a legacy.
Multi-genre expert session vocalist & writer with a tender yet bold voice for hire as well as lyric and melody writer, specializing in high quality vocal recordings from my professional home recording studio. 10+yrs of vocal practice, Estill voice certification.
Recent Successes
"Eyal, So, I stumbled upon a GEM! I hired him to complete a TRAP; He did the acoustic starring loop. He also created a heartfelt Latin Acoustic piece....that WILL be heard. This Musician is born to play and make..."
"best of best "
"Ellee has an excellent voice and a very professional work ethic. I appreciated having the chance to work with her on this project, and I would work with her again in the future!"
"Kasey Worked on a song for me Titled "The Girl Next Door" and he brought life to my song and made it music video ready! I Highly Recommend Using Him!!!-SilentMassacre "
"Scott always meets and surpasses the challenges I give him, and presents me with the opportunities to challenge myself to create new ones! He will bring a great energy to everything he is involved with, and is a great..."
"This was the second song I've had Jeff work on. First was an EDM style, this one being more rock. He really brought this song to life and showed his versatility as an engineer. He is also very communicative and qui..."
"Working with moran was great! He kept working on the song until it was perfect and did a phenomenal job. Communication was smooth. Much recommended!"
"the best engineer I've worked on this platform, he delivers 100% every time"