Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Amie K
My name is Jen, I'm a composer, Producer, Guitarist and Bassist and I want to provide you with strong, exciting and nuanced music, whether it's a fresh bass line, some ambient rhythm guitar or a full production for your song!
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Award winning mastering engineer with over 23 years experience in the music industry, 2x Grammy & 10x Latin Grammy award winner with over 100 nominated projects in the past 20yrs. Experience in all music genres working with major and independent record companies, artists & producers world wide.
I'm a Professional Singer/Guitarist who has been doing this for as long as I can remember, I have a wealth of session experience both in the studio and online. I've had original tracks broadcasted on BBC radio, featured on EMI's production library and working with SoundBetter clients have gained millions of plays on Spotify.
I really think it is not all about the gear, but focus and passion.
Your vision - AMPLIFIED Powerful, thundering beats made for clubs - clarity and space throughout.
I have performed on stage with many greats including Alice Cooper, and Robby Krieger of The Doors.
I'm a producer with years of experience in producing, mixing and mastering all kinds of genres (Electro-House, Progressive-House, Hands-Up, EDM, Hip-Hop, Pop etc.). Over the last 10 years I produced, mixed and mastered hundreds of songs. You want me to master your song and give it industry-standard loudness and clarity? Just hit me up :)
Christopher "WellingtonCTYT" Danuco is a freelance audio engineer and producer in the Greater Toronto Area. Wellington's philosophy focuses on professionalism, creativity, enthusiasm, and authentic artist/client relationships. Wellington believes that music and art - as known to be a universal language - transcends through time and space
Mixing, Editing, Mastering. Audio Restoration for Music, Podcast, Audiobooks. Audio for TV and Film. I deliver high standards for every project
Recent Successes
"Manny's professionalism made it easy to work with him and communicate ideas about my project. The quality of the work he produces is top notch, and his service to me as a client was outstanding!"
"Outstanding producer! She has the skills and the ear to make magic happen in a song!!"
"Sandro recommended his Bansuri flute for my piano-flute composition and thanks to his perfect play I got a wonderful warm and emotional song now. He is absolutely professional and responds amazingly fast and friendly...."
"He's a cool man, and got some experience to get you a really clean work. Also a fast worker with an affordable price. 5 on 5 Mr Gosteffect"
"Fast, efficient, and amazing quality. I felt like he really cared about my music because he asked me lots of questions. Thank you DEXY. I hope to work with you again in the future!!!"
"Darren did a kick butt job on this track, Very Creative. not sure where Darren is pulling this juice from but he has it on tap. song after song."
"the absolute best"
"Ashley did an amazing job writing and recording a topline for my song. It fit exactly my specifications and came out really beautifully. Would highly recommend working with her! "