Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with America's Got Talent Semifinalist
Award-Winning "Producer of the Year" 2024 recipient at Los Angeles Academy of Artists and Music Production (LAAMP), mentored by legendary Grammy-winning Production duo Stargate. Also an award-winning vocal producer/director/arranger of vocal collective "Musicality" (America's Got Talent semifinalists).
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Passionate about all things Audio
21 year old Mixing Engineer
your project in good hands
With 5years of experience, I have grown to a top credit and versatile songwriter/topline artist/music producer ready to assist you to realize your musical imagination!
Radio ready mixes and top quality masters. I do remote mixing and mastering, and well as in studio recording. If you need professional vocal takes/edits or instrumentals, I've got you covered!
Want QUALITY music? BoDaniel Studios is committed to bringing top notch quality sonic sound to your mixing and mastering needs! During these times while we are forced to find new ways to keep moving forward, we still have the ability to communicate and make great music!! Don't hesitate! Let's make some music!!
I am a recording artist, performer, clinician, teacher and session player with over 20 years of experience. I was educated at Musician's Institute (G.I.T) and am fluent in style such as: Rock, Blues, Metal, Shred, Country, Funk, Pop, Alternative, Reggae, Ska, Jazz, Fusion and more. I will add the right part for your track!
Recent Successes
"Shilpa's voice suited for my song a lot... She's very quick and understanding in what to deliver .. that helps a lot..It's easy and comfortable working with Shilpa."
"Unbelievable what patience and perseverance Gary has when creating music. He is very responsive to changes and conjures up wonderful music from another star. Thank you for this incredible masterpiece!"
"This is the second track I've had Matt play on and just like the first, he really made it better in every aspect. His ideas on how to technically make it work, creative input and of course his kit just sounds so good...."
"thanks so much, Chris made the sound so great! xxxxx"
"Fantastic as usual"
"Tim Riehm is amazing vocal. He makes my song great!!! Unbelievable!!!"
"Ok. Will not use her tracks. "
"Darren is a Master Vocalist who will go the extra mile to make sure your song is Amazing! He has the ability to understand the concept and emotion behind your song and deliver it Impeccably. Working with him is a true..."
"Love it. Love it. Another great production from Killian. Just when I think "My favorite song" another one hits. Thankful for Killian. "