Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Allen Vizzutti
Hi, this is Peter Szendofi, multi award-winning all around professional session drummer and ready to be a part of your project!
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Hi! I'm a female singer/songwriter from Spain that has lived in Los Angeles for several years. I can compose both in English and Spanish, but my specialty are the molodies - I'll help you create an original and catchy melody!
Hello! My name is Sri Balaji. I am a 21 year old part-time producer, songwriter, and mixing and mastering engineer. I have had an experience freelancing & collaborating with indie-artists from India, Malaysia & Belgium. Now I am the owner and operator of my youtube channel SR Studios.
I have worked with many artists from around the world and love to create heartfelt musical pieces that will help you connect with the masses. Inspired by all genres of music, I bring out every personal sentiment to further expand your musical and creative eminence.
I offer 10 years of experience in Audio engineering,Producing, Mixing and Mastering, Melodyne and Autotune which will make me a strong candidate for the job. Id welcome the opportunity to speak with you if you feel id be a strong candidate for the job.
Hey there! I'm an experienced vocalist who's enthusiastic about bringing depth and flavor to your recordings through high-quality vocal overdubs. Harmonies, oohs, ahhs, whoas, hums, what have you, I can give your song color and power to take it to the next level!
Mastering is much more than compression and I try to capture that in all of my work. It's the final touches that adds polish to take your song to the next level, ready for distribution to streaming services and to physical formats.
Productor musical e ingeniero en sonido especializado en música pop y música urbana. Llevo 13 años de trayectoria que me han permitido trabajar con grandes exponentes de la escena global.
Songwriter and vocalist signed to Sony, here to help you with your next record! I've written, sang, engineered hundreds of songs for both myself and other artists.
Recent Successes
"Enrico helped me resurrecting an old song of mine and create a new version of it. With his help I could let go of what I had and he guided me to explore new territory in terms of arrangement/mix and the use of my voic..."
"Christian is a great producer. Very professional and detailed. I really appreciate the care that he brought to my project. Highly recommended."
"Great fast communication whilst discussing the track, Very happy with the final master, My low end much more balanced and punches through the mix, and my lead synth has so much more power & energy. Very happy with the..."
"Henrik was a pleasure to work with on my project. He offered interesting ideas. And came up with a current sounding track. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a dance track. We went back and forth several tim..."
" I made this project mixed with a guy from fiverr beforehand and it didn't work out that well. This is my first time using soundbetter. I've searched through a mixing engineer who specializes in EDM and it truly paid ..."
"Once more Andres made my new track shine and gave me the professional guidance needed for its amazing, final outcome. His coaching is priceless as he pointed out something in the mix which I totally overlooked which w..."
"I've worked with Brent 8 times in a row now, and every time the mixes have gotten better (and they were already great to begin with). He's incredibly patient and has a proven track record when it comes to making great..."