Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ALEXIS ELVIN
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Pop, Country and Folk Lyricist, worked professionally for 4 years.
Versatile topline and songwriter/singer interested in writing opportunities and work for hire vocals.
Catalog https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bkin4bk8lvU4mr5ZD_JyOLTvC1d4PwEeG3eBYchOdDs/edit#gid=2047797546
You want unique percussion and sounds on your track? As a trained jazz-, pop- and classical percussionist I´ll spice up your music with what ever you need: Handpercussion, Smallpercussion or Mallets as Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Marimba, Vibraphone.
I worked for artists spanning many genres. Hit me up and let's get started on your song today!
The solution for all you audio needs, from editing to audio repair, mixing and mastering. Work with a person who has an extensive musical background and an in depth understanding of different musical styles.
20+ years of experience as a multi genre percussionist - High Quality RME audio conversion - Paiste Signature Cymbals
You envision the future. We help you build it!
Recent Successes
"Quincy is always great to work with. Easy, flexible, and talented. He puts in the work. "
"Fast AND talented :)"
"I love his sound design. It is magical how everything comes together in his productions. His productions have a very rich, full sound and he will bring that high quality to your track. I have already made several trac..."
"great to deal with and excellent collaboration. Buster also delivered way beyond the brief and ahead of schedule. fantastic"
"Darren is remarkable! Will use as much as possible!"
"Busayo is an amazing artist to work with. I highly recommend him to work with on any project you have. Great communication, and always willing to do what it takes to get what you want. "
"Maryn is the wise owl of EDM. He's quick. He's creative. He's precise. And he's just a bloody good human! He's the steady hand you need to maintain focus on a project. I've worked with musicians and producers who go o..."
"Ziv has done amazing work on all my projects, and I work in many genres! He is quickly responsive, fun to work with, and I would recommend him for any style of guitar playing you need...acoustic, electric, bass..."
"Richard's tension in making beautiful music and lyrics (deep, soulful, eternal) is a masterpiece which i believe will impact on people thoughts and actions. God bless you!"
"I fully recommend TMR! Ive been using his services for many songs and couldn't be happier"