Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alex Killing Time
I will add real saxophone solo parts to your song or beat. I'm a professional musician/producer with over 18 years of experience playing saxophone. I also have a degree in audio engineering. If you need a quality saxophone solo & parts for your song done, I can help you. I have worked with hip hop artists, salsa bands, ska bands, r&b artists, etc.
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Recording studio.
Industry grade records, mixes and productions. Would be happy to be part of your projects.
I am a piano, accordion, fiddle, tin whistle and flute player.
Just your friendly neighborhood drummer here whatever you need you let me know, let's make some magic! Traveled all over the world and performed on shows like Good Morning America (ABC), Ivan Urgant "Late Night" (Channel 1 Russia) Americas Got Talent (NBC)
Hi! My name is Dries, I'm a Dutch Producer and Music Engineer. I have been making records since the age of 18, the first of which was a solo project I wrote, recorded, mixed and distributed all by myself. It was also pressed to vinyl!
Metal Hammer (7 out of 10) and Rock Hard (8 out of 10) reviewed and collaboration with Crimson Glory's latest singer! I will mix your rock and metal music!!! Multi-instrumentalist with label and self-financed releases is eager to help musicians achieve the best sound possible!
Producer, Mixing and Mastering Engineer
Recent Successes
"If i can give Courtney100 stars, she would deserve every single one. She is Great, Artisic and Amazing. I'm ready to do another one soon. Love you Courtney for your hard work and dedication."
"Professional and got it right on the first go...on the same day of asking. Simply amazing."
"Best mastering experience I've ever had. Todd is quick to respond, personable, and very clear/concise in terms of answering questions and letting you know what is needed. He has a great ear and applied just the kind..."
"She’s beautiful, she’s incredible, she’a Kimera! This is my first time working with Kimera and what an honour, joy and delight it has been! Her vocals have made my track shine more than I ever thought it would, and th..."
"It was a real pleasure to collaborate with Jimmy. He is an absolute pro with an awesome voice and fast work delivery. Looking forward to working with him again. Highly recommend."
"Needed to recreate accordion stems of a Mexican classic song for a house remix and the recreation by Danny was great performance wise and recording wise as well! Great working with him. "
"This was my second time working with robroxmusic. Great experience again for mastering my latest music."