Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alex heimann
Hi everyone! My name is Justin, on Spotify known as JØST. I'm a BMG BENELUX Artist specialized in Songwriting and Toplining. I'm here to help you with your toplines and ready to bring your music to the next level. Check my Spotify page for my music.
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Music Producer
ive mix and mastered over thousands of songs for the past 15 years i love music and i love quality
i will make some dark, hard beats for you †††
A talented and diverse producer - hire me for strong creative ideas to help your music sound amazing and different. I specialise in electronic R'nB, rap, drill, hip-hop, lofi and more alternative sounds, but can bring powerful insight to any project. Winner of the Mathew Knowles Scholarship to study a Masters in Music Production at LCCM.
Music Brazilian
Sound engineer Adrien M is an audio magician, shaping the emotion and sound quality of the music we love. His mastery of technology and passion for art make him an essential pillar of your music, helping to make every song a memorable experience for listeners around the world.
After few albums I mixed, now I want to broaden horizons.
Professional Music Producer Specializing in Audio Restoration, Mixing, and Editing. Hello! I'm Chloe Moschini, a dedicated music producer originally from South Africa and now thriving in Bogotá, Colombia. My journey through the vibrant music scenes of Berlin and Mexico City has shaped my expertise in audio restoration, mixing, and editing.
Recent Successes
"Very nice working with Gabe!! Gabe, thank you so much for your keyboard help!!"
"Great to work with and would work with him again."
"Kyle is very talented and has great knowledge of his gear. He was able to get the exact drum sound I was looking for in a very short amount of time. Really easy to work with, hope to do it soon in the future. "
"exceeded expectations x 100"
"So glad I found Ziv! I'm extremely picky about guitars on my projects. I love the fact that he can sense all the needs of the guitar parts and fit them neatly within the song making it so much more than I had envision..."
"Chad always comes through big time. Always gets the job done fast yet to your satisfaction and beyond, every time. Very professional. Puts his creative flare on your music to bring it to the next level consistently. A..."
"I couldn’t be happier with the final product, I sent Martin my stems and he delivered a perfect mix within 24 hours. After that he then mastered it for me to a highly professional standard, also within 24 hours. ..."
"Oh wow so good! goosebumps. EXACTLY what I had in my head! Thank you so much! Wow you're so talented! "
"Luis is always delivering over the limit results and that’s why I continue working with him. Thank you!"