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Alentejo Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I'm a freelance music producer offering mixing, mastering, vocal fixing, track production, remixing and game audio services. I have a good knowledge of many genres and trends in music, and can create industry-standard, professional sounding work quickly and efficiently.
Ultragain is your online mastering audio tool, specialized for the artists who make electronic music. All work is processed in a studio by a professional specializing in electronic music.
How would you like for your next mix to sound its very best? How can I help?
Hello! I am a spanish singer-songwriter. I have played the guitar all my life, mainly in a pop band called "Melocos". For several years I have been working as a solo songwriter. I use to write pop and folk song. My style is simple but always looking for the best words to find the message. We can work writing lyrics in spanish, melodies or both...
From classical to contemporary music to popular tango music to experimental, my experience is global in scope! My career has included touring Europe, Latin America and USA with various ensembles and solo set. I work as a session cellist and performer/composer in many art forms, including classical music, tango, rock, pop, noise, music for films.
Sound engineer, beatmaker, music producer, songwriter and rapper Born in Recife in 2000, Nicole Akua Fontes, known since 2017 as Lil Collin for her musical productions as DJ, Beatmaker, Sound Engineer, had her first project launching public on December 14, 2018. In 2021, he launches himself as a rapper with the stage name "Pekena Akua".
I’ll transform your music idea into a pro - finished track. I’m a sound engineer and I’ve released on labels like Enhanced Music, Zero Cool, Musata, Clippers Sounds, Blanco y Negro music…
Here to share the beauty of collaboration and music! After being accepted to Berklee College of Music and having numerous pianist surround me. I needed something to differentiate me from the rest. Therefore, I got myself a beautiful synth and was able to do magical things with it. Now I am joining this site to provide help with my distinct style.
Recent Successes
"Nathalie Q. Delivered vocals that were exactly what we needed to plug the song. She listened to the artist the song was written for and nailed it. Her ad libs are superb. Thanks Nathalie Q."
"Vidorra is a magic worker. We asked him to remake some drums and he provided shockingly exact duplicates as well as providing a number of other options for us. He's really excellent and I highly recommend him. "
"Incredible Mix and Mastering Engineer. He is always straightforward and very professional. I highly recommend working with him. He has delivered me top-notch quality in the classical music realm. If you want your proj..."
"Punctual and professional. Very talented!! "
"Working with him has been incredible, very professional, with a high sensitivity to understand exactly what is expected for the music, he is simply the best!"
"SUBWIG is AMAZING - i would defs defs work again!!"
"Everything asked was done or given a sample of. Jared will make any adjustments you would like and also gives helpful suggestions and inputs as well. Amazingly done."