Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alen Chicco
Audio Engineer with 5+ years of experience. Specialising in Music producing, Ghost producing, Audio design, and Mixing and Mastering. He has worked with: Ten Walls, Šerkšno Tyla, Alen Chicco and worked as an advertising sound designer.
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VNDL specializes in creating sonic experiences for listeners. His mixes are full, dynamic, and packed with energy. His productions have been supported by Skrillex, Jack U, Adventure Club, Party Favor, and more.
I'm an established music producer, mixing and mastering engineer and artist from Ireland.
Singer/Songwriter - Hired by Universal Music Group, SavvyKat Music, Maverick Entertainment Group.
Thanks to 25 years of experience in Audio for music and scores and a series of specializations achieved at the SAE Institute Milano, we actively collaborate in the arrangement of your songs in the production phase to organize the instruments and structures, to make everything sound according to the desired shape.
Currently I work as a mixing and mastering engineer specialized in different styles such as Rap, R&B, Pop, Trap, Rock, Punk, Soul & Funk...
7 years + of industry experience, producing, song writing and mixing and mastering. I will deliver high-quality, professional results for affordable pricing. I will mix and master any genre of music, however I specialise in Hip-Hop. If you wish to get in touch, please drop me an email and I will get back to you promptly!
Hip Hop, Alternative, and Pop is what I do most. Also make Album Covers and Thumbnails
Professional guitarist and engineer with over a decade of experience in progressive metal production.
Recent Successes
"This is the second time I've had the pleasure work with B Warner and I have the feeling I only start to discover her incredible talent in songwriting. She has the capacity of feeling what is needed for a song. Really ..."
"Amazing singer and person. He uses to sing rock or blues stuff, but ... his voice is perfect for so many genres, like EDM or Modern Pop. Working with him was a very nice experience. E.D.O. MUSIC"
"I was searching for a professional female vocalist for the lead and backing vocals for my Jazz/Metal project. Morgane did a clear, top-notch and impressive work on my mini-album. Her answers were quick, effective an..."
"Finished my master in less than 24 hours, and it was perfect first time. Really great communication, and I'll definitely be using jai again!"
"This was our favorite track with Mark so far! He was able to arrange and produce our track quickly and with a clean and crisp sound. "
"Again Rusty responds with heart and pure musical genius. We could not be more satisfied with Rusty's skillzzz and professionalism."
"Another 5 star job with John! He always brings the heat!"
"I only hire Federico because he is the highest level bass player I have come across in my life. He completes the session quick but it will still sound amazing . check my music at Rob Favotto he is on it ."
"Great work, and fast turnaround. I had lots of good options with the tracks and was able to get just what I needed. Great work!"