Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with AKABAZE
With over five years of experience in analog recording and professional mastering, I am dedicated to taking your music to the next level. I specialize in mixing and mastering across various genres and work transparently and openly with my clients to achieve the best possible results.
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Hi, I am London and reside in NJ. I am a graduate of I.A.R. class of 05. I am energetic + laid back. I get the job done and I am passionate about what I do.
Check out my website and listen to my mixes, I want to help you make your songs sound great.
Cyberpunk sci-fi movies and hard bop jazz records. So began Mike Wilson’s path to producing music videos and recording records. From engineering and producing records for a wide variety of artists like Corey Smith or Tommy Keene to running ADR sessions for shows like Archer and Nashville. Your art is my passion.
Get real drums with killer sound to your music!
I'm always looking for a sound that fits the artist perfectly. Every artist has another sound and the engineer has a big responsibility to make the sound match with the artist. That is why my mixes always are different from other's.
I love playing, and recording drums! I have 20+ years of experience, most of those with The Fray. I love experimenting in my studio to find inspiring sounds and textures. My goal as a drummer is to serve the song and set a mood that is felt more than heard.
truppel um produtor musica brasileiro
Versatile classically trained professional flutist with experience in various styles and genres from classical music and folk to heavy metal and hiphop and special passion for fantasy OSTs and latin music.
Recent Successes
"It was a 10 star experience. As a music producer for over 19 years, this review is for real stuff. Looking forward for next tons of songs. "
"Did a Solid Job"
"Flawless process with Bobby John. He had a light speed turnaround time and delivered quality vocals! I can 100% recommend working with him."
"Top notch engineer! Austin was happy to make all of the revisions I requested. You can expect a record label quality production from Seltzer Sounds!"
"We've been working with HVTCH for almost a year now, have created 5 songs together, and he continues to impress with his professionalism, talent, communication skills and production genius. Can't recommend him highly ..."
"Luis is a blessing and a pleasure to work with. After he had delivered an outstanding mix for my first track, he co-produced a second one with me - and also here he hit the ball out of the park. From my perspective, ..."
"I've worked with Chris a few times! He's always a good time! Truly gifted. "
"Michael can really dig in on your song and help it get even better. Also a great communicator. Always great to work with him."