Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Afterclass Podcast
Creative, Fast, & Intuitive Composer | Skilled Multi-Instrumentalist | Naturally Gifted & Classically Trained | Proficient Mixing + Mastering Engineer | Adept Choral & Orchestral Arranger
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ideas, space and depth, magic, special fx, dub fx, sound design, mixing, arranging
Programming is my life. And with programming I started to listen to many kinds of music. I love music so I started to make mixes for me to work but I realized, that not just me like it :)
I am a seasoned producer, mixer, vocalist and songwriter living in Nashville, Tennessee. I have produced and recorded in Nashville studios such as Ocean Way, Sound Emporium and Trace Horse Studios.
Hey there! My name is Tyler, I'm a producer, DJ, and vocalist based in the United States. I am very passionate about music production and songwriting and have over 4 years of experience in the field. I'm looking forward to working with you and achieving your goals musically!
The guitar is my primary instrument. I play like Trey Anastasio, Jimi Hendrix, Nels Cline, Jerry Garcia, Nai Palm, Deen Ween, Ty Segall, and Avey Tare --- but I prefer to work on music centered around sampling and rhythm. Ableton is my box. Tascam porta studio 424 is my passion.
I´ll produce, mix and master anything you want!
Mixing and mastering engineer with 4 years experience.
Lead Beatmaker of "Blooming Lure" (Beatstars / Youtube).
Recent Successes
"Working faster ! good experience "
"Leo worked very quick and perfect first time, knew exactly what I wanted for a Piano version of an existing track I had."
"Mario's credentials had me excited to work with him and he truly delivered! He provided all the feedback I asked for and never hesitated to offer a new revision until I was happy with the end result. Mario uncompromis..."
"Drew is an incredible singer and he always delivers top quality recordings, which are beautifully sung. Not only that, but the communication is super easy as well - Drew is super friendly and patient and overall my ex..."
"Andres always knows exactly what’s best for the music and always delivers a clear and beautiful master."
"Very professional engineer, honest feedback, quick responses, and always willing to accept changes and ideas for a mix. Never has an attitude, always willing to share wisdom and insight not only about the mixing, but ..."
"Amazing work, as always!"
"Words, lyrics are my world and have been for decades of songwriting and yet, Jenny's vocal prowess is beyond my ability to describe!!!!! She is seriously a towering talent! While I have curated a small stable of ab..."
"Giancarlo was so amazing the first time; I decided to hire him a second time and I was not disappointed. If you are looking for an amazing mixing engineer please give this man a try and trust me you will be thrilled ..."
"Nicolas is friendly and good to work with professional. It was a pleasure."