Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with AEG2LIT
My name is Isaac and I am super excited to possibly work with you! I'm a music producer/engineer from SoCal. I have been writing, mixing, and mastering my own music for about 8 years now. I am here to help you get the best sound out of your next song.
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Musician, and audio engineer from Brockville, Ontario.
Chloe Demetria Los Angeles, Vocalist, Vocal Production, Arranging, and Coaching BFA Berklee College of Music Current : Plasty/ Chloe Demetria, Paramount - "Grease Rise of The Pink Ladies." Jake Wesley Rogers, Cee-Lo Green,Yo Gotti, Bow Wow Wow, Semi precious Weapons, U kno Experienced Musician and Recording Artist with range and versatility.
We offer a high-end, audiophile spirit processing for your tracks. Using the sharpest technologies available at the moment... PCM / DXD up to 768 khz / 32 bit , DSD 512 and soon 5.1 multichannel Just listen...
Former lead singer for Cirque du Soliel, in multiple shows and roles, award winning singer songwriter with multiple releases and cuts.
Get your demos re-recorded professionaly aswell as your song mixed or mastered by me, whatever style you enjoy and whatever sound you're searching for ill get as close as possible as your references.
Llevo especializado por mas de 30 años en la arquitectura y diseño sonoro de toda la gama de guitarras con una gran especialización en cuerdas de Nylon. Grabe cientos de sesiones para créditos locales e internacionales como Joe Satriani, Steve Morse, entre otros. Cuento con uno de los estudios mas bonitos y top de argentina.
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Cuban Composer, all you want it's here.
Recent Successes
"Great job, very happy with the result, Benjamin and his brass team at Mahoma records nailed it. We wrote a big band/jazz pop song and they rewrote the brass based on our midi tracks, completely understood where we wan..."
"Every time I work with The CrushBoys, they knock it out the park. They do nothing but hit home runs in the ninth inning!!!!"
" Calvin is an excellent singer, he immediately understood what I was looking for and he sent me many emotions with his voice! a true professional singer :)"
"Andres is an absolute professional but also very kind and efficient. He gave me precious insight and did a wonderful job with the song. He suggested me how to prepare the mix and delivered the mastered track in just..."
"It is a great pleasure working with Elliot. He understands the music and does an excellent job in mastering music without any comments of prompting from my part. No feedback of alterations were ever needed when wor..."
"I have looked to Eric to Master my productions on multiple occasions. I have also learnt a lot of mixing techniques though his step by step instructions on getting the best mix before the Mastering process. Not only d..."
"Working with Nico is a pleasure, great communication and the end result is amazing"
"Excellent work, very professional, responds in a very timely manner."
"Isamu was meticulous in making sure my requirements were met, his playing was spot on and beautiful and he delivered a variety of files to help in the mixing process. We kept in communication the entire project and he..."
"Very nice person and skilled guitarist! He really delivered exactly what I wanted. Highly recommended!"