Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Adura
Hello! I am a christian music producer working for more than 7 years in the music industry with a lot of experience in gospel music production. I play guitar mainly, piano, bass and drums. And I also work as a mixing a mastering engineer.
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What's up producers!? If you're looking for someone to bring your song to life, I'm your guy! I am an LA based singer/songwriter/producer with 10+ years experience writing and performing.
Jack Red is both producer and sound engineer, so he does his own mixing by the time he is creating his own arrangements. His variety of styles of beatmaking and musical arrangements go from rock music to some genres as new wave, metal, ambient, experimental, jazz, blues, ect. His main domain concerning musical production is in-the-box production.
Eletrobossa , Chill out Rapadura , África the new beats , Electric Sitar (produced by Edson X for Azul music label ) , Gueto , drummer and composer ( wea) , Ginga the soul of Brazilian football ( produced by Edson X for Nike/ O2 filmes ).
Nixon Silva, producer, guitarist, remixer and beatmaker from Brasil. Working at Sonido, one of the biggest audio production company from Brasil. With more than 15 years of experience working with local and international artists from various genres, playing different roles in each project.
Am the Only Afro Alpha... My sound is so spiritual and soothing Ref: Adura by Mohbad x bella shurmda
i work with Daan junior , Jimmy Devarieux , Alan Cavé , Princess Liz, Dinh Nguyen, Sterling Salvador , Anibal Inoa,Dictam,Tony Deloumeau,Man Dragon PKM,Eric Maximilien,René Beausir
¡Me encantaría hacer música contigo! Tengo más de 10 años de experiencia en estudio y proyectos musicales de diferentes latitudes. Uso equipos de alta calidad de la industria y me caracterizo por aprovechar cada momento creativo para que juntos hagamos una experiencia única. ¡Un gran producto musical!
I love making your music sound the best it can and making you and your fans happy. As a producer and musician I understand the creative process, I work with you to deliver the best product. From my experience as a university tutor I can help guide your mixes to the next level by suggesting potential technical improvements.
Recent Successes
"JESSICA, WOW! Wonderful job. You gave my material a big lift. Great vocals on harmonies and ad-lobs. Never expected this. Very professional. Thank you, Frank Bruno "
"Varun is excellent at his work. You can tell he gives his all in his mixes and really tries to make your song the best it can be. He is very attentive to your specifications and works well collaboratively. He cares ab..."
"Lucas is always a pleasure to work with. Very willing to communicate with the artist throughout the project to make sure that the final product exceeds expectations. An extremely talented and friendly guy, would recom..."
"Ben is an incredible guitar player that saw to my project promptly and professionally. His taste is incredible and I can't wait to work with him again!"
"Another great job by Killian and as always exceeded all my expectations with another one song done. I love working with him. Bravo!. The next song is already booked."
"This was the second song that I got mastered by Tom. He did a really exellent job. I Will come back with more songs for sure. He is the best I have worked with. "
"Niels is a very good guitar player. He gave me what my song needed. I mention that I wanted a more defined part for the bridge and he did it. Very easy to work with. I plan on using his services again. "
"John was great to work with. Very responsive and brought my ideas to life! Highly recommended."