Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Adi Space
Production of the Promo Video for the German Streetwear Brand Unfair Atletics' Spring Collection Beat Production for German Rap Artists like Lafa and Adi Space
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I am a free lance percussionist and composer living in LOS ANGELES for the past 34 years
Indie cred + pop chops. Does your bedroom recording need some big budget polish? Studio tracks need a little more "at home" vibe? Have a sound in mind but you're not totally sure how to get there? Just need a touch of something extra? I can help! I've done it all, from writing and producing records to touring and session work.
Multi-platinum selling producer, engineer, multi-instrumentalist, and songwriter with an extensive and diverse discography and 14+ years in the industry
If you like things that sound like: KAYTRANADA, Mndsgn, Pharrell, MJ, Disco, & Lo-Fi House then I'm your guy.
Mix & Masters your song searching for the most musical potential of your music. Your feedback will be my influence and my drive to achieve what you are looking for.
Music producer specialising in Hip Hop & RnB. Highly skilled mixing engineer with a devoted attention to detail. I have a degree in Music Production & Sound Engineering - and am able to understand your sonic tastes and execute a professional, industry standard level of work every time.
Big voice that's played big shows, I love what I do and I have the attention-grabbing vocal you need. Professional singer and actor, touring the UK and internationally over a career of 15+ years. Recent credits include playing Elwood Blues in the OFFICIAL Blues Brothers show, and currently as The Big Bopper in BUDDY: The Buddy Holly Story.
Charlie Widmer is an award winning multi-genre singer, songwriter, guitarist, arranger, actor, and producer born in Zurich, Switzerland and based in Connecticut. He has a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance from Western Connecticut State University and has sung alongside such stars as Michael Bublé, Josh Groban, Sarah Brightman, and Jared Leto.
Recent Successes
"Dark is always on point! Ryan did a great job on mastering one of my track, very efficient and great in communication. Totally recommended. Looking to work on further bangers together!"
"He is a really talented guitarist! Thanks Ziv."
"It is always a pleasure working with Stephen because he is so professional in his attitude, his work, his consideration for me and my wishes. His communication is great keeping me posted often on our song. And his com..."
"J. None is the most brilliant and talented guy. He adds something truly unique to the track and takes it to another level. Working with him was unbelievably efficient and an absolute joy from beginning to end. I can't..."
"Alanna has an amazing voice, and an amazing sensitivity. She is super professional, and delivers with perfect timing. I am so happy with what she did and anyone working with her will feel the same way. She made everyt..."
"Adam is great ! very professional, very easy to communicate with, and a very good mixer. We mixed 6 tracks with him already and we are 100% satisfied !"
"Took the song to another level. Turn around time lightning . Couldn't have asked for me. 10 out of 10 !"
"Very quick to understand my needs and my taste. His part was very well recorded, and it gave life to my track! A really nice guy and a very talented musician. Super professional. I highly recommend him!"
"I worked with Nate on my previous album so I already knew I had to send my next project his way. Nate is an amazing musician/songwriter and can transform a song in the best way possible. Whether it's keys, synths, gui..."
"**Review: 5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐** From the land down under, I want to extend a massive thank you to Francois for his exceptional skills, positive vibes, and unwavering patience throughout the mixing and mastering process o..."