Acoustic Guitar in Atlanta
Producer for the Grammy Nominated Production Team, Bravo Ocean. (Katy Perry, Raury, Inanna, Gym Class Heroes, Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj, Jesse McCartney, JST FRNDS)
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Super memorable melodic guitar lines that perfectly blend with your song.
I'm a professional musician, composer, all types of music, arranger, producer, and sound engineer, can sing and play piano, guitar, drum, bass, jazz and beyond,
Mixer and Producer. Intuitive, Patient, Music enthusiastic, Dynamic Adorer.
I Break Down Every Record From The Base So I Can Hear It Come Together, It Gives Me An Advantage When It Comes Down To Removing Bad Frequencies And Mixing The Entire Process. I Take Time To Perfect The Sound And Enhance What Brings The Record To Life .. Contact Me If You Want The Sound You Desire.
I love writing and producing songs that get trapped in people's heads. Working with majors -BMG, Universal, Capital, Black Butter. I work in Pop (Dark & Alt), Indie and Folk I also work with worldwide major brands like BT, Primark and Lowe Alpine on international campaigns.
A unique and versatile producer, multi instrumentalist and creative mix engineer. Can also do backing vocals/screaming and write songs.
EduHelpersLeague provides academic help for students all over the world. Connect with us if you wish to pursue a successful academic career.
2 years of experience in music mixing
Recent Successes
"Sefi Carmel went to the edge of the world and back to make my mix top quality and ready, building a mountain beyond what was expected. He repaired all of my weirdness, well, not all, I still have some, but he wrangled..."
"Nico is brilliant at coaxing the best out of my tracks. We've now completed 6 tracks together - which he's mixed and mastered, and I'm consistently impressed with the finish, as well as his patience, advice and good w..."
"Cómo siempre un trabajo rápido, con una calidad de audio excelente y ejecución a la medida de lo que estaba buscando. Una vez más muchas gracias por tu talento amigo!"
"Second time collab'ing with Michael. Incredibly fast, responsive and easy to work with. On top of that killer ideas time and time again. He always delivers against the brief and knows how to hit the right tone/feel to..."
"Soubd quality was amazing. Imcredibly friendly and helpful."
"Chris Biano is an incredible talented Singer & Songwriter. Communication was great and he did exactly what I wanted and even more ! Will definitely come back in the future ! Thank You !!!"
"Always go above and beyond to get the situation taken care of. I recommend Elliot James Mulhern Mastering to any persons looking for amazing and effective talent. "
"Jae was an absolute pleasure to work with. Her amazing talent, combined with her professionalism and easy-going nature, made her an invaluable asset to my project. I wholeheartedly recommend Jae and look forward to th..."
"Daryl has been my go to for mixing and mastering for over 2 years now. The work he does is as high quality as it gets. I highly recommend him to anyone who is looking to take their song to the next level!"
"Matt's exceptional mixing and mastering work transformed every note into an extraordinary sonic experience."