Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Absolutblech
Transforming musical visions into sonic masterpieces, Green Canyon Records is your gateway to top-tier productions, unparalleled drum recordings, and meticulous recording/mixing engineering. Elevate your sound with us on Sound Better – where creativity meets precision!
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Composer and Producer, I'll also score the shit of out your film.
Up and coming audio producer with a First Class Bachelors Degree in Audio Production from the University of Lincoln. Keen interest in audio for visual productions including SFX Design and Audio Post but my passion lies within original music production, more specifically Hip-Hop and Boom-Bap Beats.
If you want a real pro singer and producer, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Loftwah The Beatsmiff is a Hip Hop producer based in Australia.
Looking for that new Pop/R&B sound? I'm here to help! Currently working for artists and labels worldwide with my production company Made On The Road out of a converted studio bus... add a wild story to your promotion by saying it was produced around the world! Hit me up, let's talk about what YOU want from your music and I'll make it happen.
Epic Soundtrack Music Composer
Experienced, professional, and versatile. Recording and Mixing Studio. Super solid electric, acoustic and classical guitar lines and comping. Lets make history together, and have fun with this beautiful way to live. Let the music, and your music run free.
A one-man music machine, start to finish. Wearer of many music hats. A musical milliner. Versatility is key. I've spent almost 40 years accruing as many tools in my tool box as possible. All genres and mediums. I've been told by many that I'm quite the breeder of ear-worms.
Recent Successes
"Once again, I've received the material in time and without mistakes. The performance is powerful and energetic. I feel comfortable working with Michael Gildner."
"Patience is the most crucial and most important trait to have in this business, cause detail is everything in music, I presented a mix that needed additional help and Austin was able to take it to that radio ready lev..."
"he did a awesome job and made all the changes quickly "
"Sherman always produces the best music ! I am hard on him and constantly trying to get perfection on my work and he handles it like a champ and brings fourth the best sound 🙏 thanks bro "
"Austin always delivers ! Always a plesure to work with him. 100% recomended"
"He is a genius! So perfect!!"
"An excellent collaborator with a great ear for what makes a track work. Got on board with the project in a really sophisticated way, and great fun to work with!"
"Lydia is very gifted and organized and she is always wonderful to work with. It is an honor and privilege each and every time she creates another beautiful arrangement for one of my songs. She stays with the heart of ..."
"Andres was very professional and provided me with important information and advice about my mix before he mastered it which made the results so much better! I will be using him again. Thanks!"