Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with abrefuego
Hi, my name is Nacho Haymal. I´m a professional guitarrist and producer from Argentina. I record guitars to deliver the perfect part to your song with emphasis in performance and sound serving the need and feeling. I´ve been recording guitars for 5 years for various genres such as Pop, Rock, indie, Pop Punk, R&B, Hip-Hop, and Trap.
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More providers:
Mixing, mastering and musicianship from SignatureTunes Studios
Great composer of bass lines in the shortest possible time, with optimal sound quality.
unpretentious touring bass player + producer
I Mix & Master your Pop, Rock or Metal tracks to commercial standards but can also arrange, record, and perform original professional guitar parts in any genre, heavy music being my specialty.
Bring in the Funk!
Drummer, mixing, and mastering engineer with over 20+ years of experience making music. Can't wait to make music with you!
I am a passionate enthusiast of Audio Post-Production, driven by a profound love for the craft of refining audio. My expertise lies in skillfully intertwining sound elements to craft truly immersive experiences for your projects. While I possess versatility across genres, my primary focus and affinity lie within the realm of electronic music.
Recent Successes
"This was my 2nd time working with Brady and once again he delivered me a fantastic performance! The tracks were recorded well and his turn around time was very fast. I look forward to sending him more projects."
"Really nice singer! I'll work more time with her! "
"I really enjoyed my work with JC. There was no problem at all to fix what I'd think needs fixing in the mix, he was very patient with me and more than happy to help me achieve my goals. Highly recommended! "
"Chico has delivered an exquisite job. Many thanks!"
"It´s a true joy work with Matilda. She always deliver and has many qualities in her voice. Thanks again Matilda. I hope we will work together again in the future. All the best!"
"MASTERED BY KRAMER does it again! A thorough and remarkable understanding of my work, all the TLC I need, and...just a great ear. THOROUGHLY recommended! - John San Juan (Hushdrops)"
"Philip is phenomenal! Totally understood my vision and executed flawlessly. Highly recommend!"
"Collaborating with Alex is so much fun! He’s a great communicator and he’s excellent at taking an idea and running with it. I’m super happy with my song and I’m excited to work on the next one with Alex!"