Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Abramuha
Hello, I'm Aplotas and I'm a mixing and production engineer. Im mostly a rap and edm engineer but I can work with various other genres! If you are looking for an engineer. Contact me.
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Professional Mastering Studio. We do the final stage in music production and provide professional masters for replication and/or digital download. Had experience at Masterdisk with Vlado Meller in all music genres, so we can give a top class master at a reasonable cost!
I am a touring and session drummer well versed in Country, Americana, Blues, Rock, Pop, and Jazz genres. I'm also a producer and have produced nine projects within Singer/Songwriter, Americana & Country. I run my own recording studio in Nashville, TN and have great gear to create sonically pleasing sounds.
Make sure to follow me on Facebook as well https://www.facebook.com/HasinaAndrianOfficial/
If you are serious about your music career and want a commercial sounding record am your guy .
Hi! An NEC alumna, I play violin and fiddle with experience in studio sessions and performance in many different genres ranging from pop to singer-songwriter all the way to Classical and world music.Happy to come up with the part for you and go back and forth until we find something you like, or read something you have written for your music!
What’s the vibe? I’ll match your energy.
AfroFusion/Afrobeat singer, Song writer, a performer, Beatmaker and an entrepreneur
Session Cellist and Bassist, Strings Arranger
Recent Successes
"With our experience, we used lot of Mastering engineers. And the most famous in the world. But this time Carlo, that i discovered by this website, was level higher. I never heard such a beautiful work. Price so correc..."
"Sean is really the best duduk player I ever dealt with. He understand your requirements in detail and he delivers exactly what you want to hear. He is so patient and friendly. All my future works will be through him..."
"As always, Hill did an excellent job with our song, mixed and mastered! High quality in everything, speed, response, understanding of our needs, perfect tweaks and final result! Highly recommended as a big professiona..."
"Christa is great, wonderful performer and easy to work with. Highly recommended!"
"As always, punchy, fresh and fast delivery!!"
"Steve B' did an amazing performance on my song. The B3 sound was just what my song needed. If you're looking for the real deal Steve is the man and not only did he deliver he is great to work with super nice guy with ..."
"Well, simply the best. Unbelievable! After Jessie, it's a bit challenging to work with other singers, because it's really a bit difficult to reach Jessie's level. So please don't hire Jessie so that she has time to wo..."