Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with aboogie
Riaa certified platinum and gold engineer and in house producer at quality controlMixing, mastering, and production! lets take your sound to new heights!
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I know first-hand how frustrating it can be to pour your heart and soul into a record, only to have it ruined by a terrible mix. I have the tools, talent, and experience to take your record across the finish line, and together we'll make something you'll be proud of. I specialize in mixing country, pop, and rock. Let's work together!
DanUbe Productions is a fully equipped analog and digital music production company helmed by producer, composer, multi-Instrumentalist and DJ Dan Ubick. DanUbe Productions have been used in advertising campaigns, television series’, station promo, video games, and films and been heralded by taste making radio stations like KCRW & KEXP.
We're a producer and songwriter duo working across genres.
Singer as a hobby, who occasionally records for other artists. Also trying to write my own music.
Professional hybrid analog / digital studio, available for remote mixing and mastering services. All projects are analog summed through Rupert Neve summing mixer / transformers, as well as additional analog outboard gear on individual tracks and the final mix bus. Great for getting your DAW sessions out of the box.
here to help set the mood, create and finish project ideas, and put everything out into the world - feel free to contact me
20+ years of recording and touring. I work mainly with producers, although I’m happy to collaborate with songwriters and bands. Now based in Italy, I lived and played in New York for a couple of years. I am passionate about bringing all my experience to each song and creating something unique every time.
Transforming feelings into melody, harmony and lyrics. Placed third on X Factor Albania 1, when I was only 14 years old. Classified as on of the most powerful voices in Albania. Counting 7 awards on the most prestigious song festival "Kenga Magjike" mentioning "Best Vocal" in 2013 when I was only 16 year. Hits on spotify with over 1M streams.
Recent Successes
"working with Julian was a real lucky find. as a fairly new comer to music production I was apprehensive about getting my first track mastered. Julian helped me in every way possible to achieve what I wanted. The resul..."
"A happy returned customer. Beautiful mixing of my piece.Sound warm,open and sophisticated. Thanks Brian"
"another phenomenal recording by Chad. He really listens to the artist to bring the song to it's potential. "
"Andres made an amazing work with my single. It added strenght and projection to the intention of the song... i am glad i decided to put it in his hands and I hope i can work with him again soon. Thanks Andrés! Saludo..."
"Cecilia produced a beautiful string accompaniment to a Polish folk song on my forthcoming album. It was a difficult technical challenge, but Cecilia and a colleague worked to a tight deadline to create a high quality ..."
"Bram did an excellent job again ! He is an absolute Genius !"
"Magda Monteiro is professional, highly skilled and very talented. She does exactly what is asked. I'm very pleased with her work. Thank you so much! Recommend!"
"Another hit! Excellent audio engineer. Matty gets it. He always meets or exceeds my expectations."
"Andrew is so fucking amazing! His vocals are so killer, he is very kind and fun to work with. He went above and beyond for a 50s Elvis style tune I was producing. Wish I could attach the song so you can hea..."
"Patricio is a virtuoso and it is an honor to be able to count on the cello arrangements he made for my song. Someone who is easy to communicate with and understood what was requested, exceptionally, super fast deliver..."