Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Aaron marcellus
Jacopo is a former member of the international band Levels alongside Keith Middleton (STOMP) and Aaron Marcellus (American Idol). Co-founder of Mirai Music his collaborations range from writing, producing and mixing for artist (NSTASIA, Billy Martin, Lenii and many others) to scoring for multimedia projects such as the Martin Lawrence NFT project.
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Hello! My name is Ety. I have been singing for more than 10 years & have experience in the studio with lead vocals. I put my heart and soul into every project I take on and it is my main focus until it is finished to your liking. I bring emotion and vulnerability to your song through my voice. English, Hebrew & Spanish
I'm a freelance engineer always accepting new work to help clients achieve their desired sounds and grow as an artist from the experience.
Hello! My name is Anderson and I'm a professional vocalist and songwriter from Nashville, TN. With over ten years of experience, I specialize in writing and recording professional lead and backing vocals in almost every genre. I'd love to help you with your project.
Creative composer & singer with Trance & Deep House Specialization.
Beats to find yourself to. Mixes to road trip to.
I will play/write saxophone parts on your song. Want a ripping solo? I'm your guy! I also arrange horn parts and have several great trumpet and trombone players I work with regularly
I love to work with music which I enjoy aesthetically. I think communication between artist and audio engineer is a key for good final product. I find my drive for music to sound better almost spiritual. If you believe people in this world should be accepted and appreciated for who they are - hire me. Doing mixing & mastering & feminist work
Hello! I'm Thomas Gallo, a dedicated music producer known for my responsible, honest, and skilled approach to work.
Recent Successes
"Perfect. Matty really got the essence of my song immediately - not just the instruments and all that tech stuff (which he did masterfully) - but the emotional glue that is the difference between something that sounds..."
"George is a total professional and an absolute delight as a person. His talent speaks for itself, but his work ethic amplifies what God has blessed him with in terms of his voice and musical acumen. He worked on an ex..."
"I'm going to keep this one short, 6 mixes later and I couldn't be happier!!! True Talent"
"Another 5-Star project withh Alex. The sax play he is able to deliver is just great! "
"Working with Maurizio was a five star experience. I was very impressed, excellent quality of work and not to mention the great customer service. Maurizio Is great at communicating with his client and delivering the vi..."
"Sean is my go to for solid bass lines. He always finds a way to compliment a song so well. "