Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Aaron Hansel
With 15+ years of studio expertise, I'm a seasoned session vocalist and guitarist in Oklahoma City, committed to elevating your project with a polished and professional sound. Looking forward to working with you!
More providers:
I'm a guitarist that has toured with several prominent rock bands, including Dance Gavin Dance & Icarus The Owl
Songwriting in french and english.
Music Producer , Mixing Engineer, Strings arrangements, Drummer
I have worked with the growing indie scene on Chile; I have worked with people who came from the underground to the big leagues😤
Edr, Edrproction, EDR
20+ Years experience as a live and studio musician – I know what it's supposed to sound like. I mix musically and with character.
JMRS Jose Manuel Resendiz Silva, Dj y Productor Mexicano
Veteran AUDIO to MIDI file Producer | 30+ Years of Musical Excellence
Recent Successes
"Strata's performance was full of emotion and sweetness. The tracks he delivered were flawless and we didn't have to correct anything. He actually improved on the melody and word placement in places :) Cannot recommend..."
"Michael was awesome to work with. Creative on his own and super receptive to your personal preferences and feedback as well. We created a cool track. Thanks Michael!"
"Great creative input and great knowledge, highly recommend!!!!"
"Tim was a awesome and the work he did for my song was perfect! He was also very friendly and efficient in timing. "
"Philip did an outstanding job and helped me out with turning an idea into a final work. It got awesome!"
"Bruno read and followed my instructions carefully and delivered as promised. His choice of sounds and layering was very good, and overall very good value for what he is offering."
"Love working with Mike! Gets you a near perfect mix first round and very receptive to revisions so you get your dream mix! Always recommend working with him :)"