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840 50 Gällö Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Experienced Mixing Engineer with personal approach, great skill and state of the art gear. Work for top artists and labels. Located in Los Angeles
Peace & Love! We specialize in setting ourself apart from the trend and creating custom textures. Please enjoy the rhythm.
Pay To Play And Play to Win
I've worked with artists such as LEXIM and Sad Puppy, landed on multiple Spotify editorial playlists, was added to one of 'The Chainsmokers" artist playlists, and accumulated over 1 million streams on Spotify alone all in my first year of releasing! Whether you have an idea to work off or not I can guarantee you'll be left with a hit song!
Top producer on the west coast by way of Houston TX. I produce ang sub genre of hip hop or r&b form trap and lofi, to chill , boom bap, even k pop or some latin hip hop.
Musician and songwriter with over 30 years of experience in the music industry, who specializes in the style of '50s and '60s music.
I work passionately to give you 100% satisfact .
I'm a mixer and music producer who has mixed over 1,000 songs. I am also a session musician, so I look at songs with the eye of an engineer and as a musician, which helps me bring the songs to their full potential.
Recent Successes
"Second time working with Ryan - he did another brilliant job and got it all turned around in an extremely timely manner. Can't recommend him enough!"
"Great experience working with Bailey who's an absolute professional. She delivered a great vocal and got the natural feel of the track down perfectly. Highly recommended! Thanks Bailey. "
"Very good mastering job! Now the track sounds how I imagined it. Fast and easy communication, on-time delivery. Full recommendation."
"Again and again, Trey just keeps bringing on the brilliance! So love working with him. "
"Speechless that's all I can say. My 2017 song had already reached NO 1 in several major DJ pool charts. After deciding I wanted to remix it for my new 2024 album I asked Suvi to work on adding extra vocal rhythmic el..."
"David is absolutely amazing and he put his soul into it! He truly knows what he’s doing and he took my song to another level. He even gave me different options to play around with, so he did more than I asked for and ..."