Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 701
I am intensely focused on serving the song, giving it exactly what it is calling for and making it truly shine.
I've been dabbling in my natural beat making weirdness for the past 20 years, started out with a true DIY approach to electronic music making and then later enrolled in a 2 years Sound Production / Live Tech course for some additional guidance.
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Multiplatinum sound engineer, 15 years of experience, published hundred of songs as a producer with hundreds of playlist entries.
Joe Tumwebaze is a recording artist,sound engineer by profession, founder and CEO of YEGO Productions Ltd based in Kampala,Uganda. been in this practice for 8 years now,been a performing artist for over 15 years. Yego Productions Ltd offers recording,mixing and mastering services for music,commercial advertising and film. contact +256758717701
I have written scores for both short and feature films, as well as video games and many national advertising campaigns. I create music in several genres: traditional cinematic, electronic, as well as rock. In addition to being a composer, I am also a classically trained violinist and guitarist.
As a Mastering Engineer, I will be the first true Listener of your project. I will help you reach the sound you desire (and beyond) using my emotional response and technical skills in a great sounding environment. And you might want to try a french guy !
I will shout, spit, growl, sing or scream your track into a microphone and record it properly. High pitch. Low pitch. Mid pitch. Harsh vocals. Crispy vocals.
What am i going to tell you that you haven't already heard ? Check my production skillz if you like what you hear then contact me:
I am intensely focused on serving the song, giving it exactly what it is calling for and making it truly shine.
I've been dabbling in my natural beat making weirdness for the past 20 years, started out with a true DIY approach to electronic music making and then later enrolled in a 2 years Sound Production / Live Tech course for some additional guidance.
Recent Successes
"Working with Fermin again was wonderful. The communication is always on point. Professional and polite! The advice on what sounds best is always honored. And the completed projects are always a success to listen to. ..."
"What can I say, we need to invent more words to allow me to properly express how happy and lucky I feel knowing Patrick. This man is a genius and knows how to get into my mind and guide me to finishing the song the wa..."
"Easily the best male vocalist on Soundbetter. Huge range and fits multiple genres. Highly communicative and easy to work with. Would recommend him to anyone. "
"I needed pop style Spanish female singer for some translated songs for my publishing company. Mechi came through and did the job great. I was even able to get a ProTools session at the end."
"Maryn was awesome and loved the super detailed work with side by side questions and constant small updates. He helped me fine tune a few tweaks to my track and helped with a final mix!"
"Ashley is truly gifted. Love working with her. I trust her editing eye. I wrote a very wordy song and she helped refine and simplify but still kept it relatable and fun. I feel like she gets me, I couldn't ask for a b..."