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65010 Collecorvino PE Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Mixing and Mastering Engineer with 10+ years of experience.
Do you want to take your rough demos to the next level? Do you need fast mixing and mastering so you can release that new song to your eager fans?
I'm a Grammy-nominated producer/mixer, and I operate out of Studio A at Pentavarit Studios. People ask me what kind of music I like to make, and my reply is always "If you mean it, I like it." Unlike a lot of producers, I try not to make everything sound like me - but to make it sound like YOU. Best job ever!
16 years old. But with a big dream in music! Let's work together? Check out a little more of my work .... My name is Luigi Paraventi and I am a Session DRUMMER with great and vast experience within large studios in Brazil!
Hip Hop and Flamenco specialized.
an AI engineer and musician and DJ based in NYC
Orchestrations | Arrangements | Scores & Parts | Editing Matthew is a conductor, orchestrator, arranger and violinist specialising in cinematic & modern orchestrations. His works span from Eurovision to national concerts
Based in Turin/IT, White Whale, aka Alex, has been making waves in the EDM scene with his distinctive sound. Over the past year, his music has garnered significant attention, thanks to solo and collaborative releases and support from key industry figures. Influenced by icons like David Guetta, Armin van Buuren, and Tiësto, White Whale's track "Lif
Recent Successes
"I can't stress enough how key Lance's patience was throughout the process. As a first time SoundBetter user and as someone new to the professional mix/master world, Lance not only delivered in regards to quality, but ..."
"Adam is working with me on an ongoing project. He has given me excellent advice and professional sounding mixes. He is patient, personable, and corresponds quickly and clearly. His resume' is outstanding. And I hi..."
"Great experience with Will working on my track. He's a great communicator on creative issues. Very pleased with the result. Thanks, Will."
"Always an awaeome job done 🔥🔥"
"Awesome collaboration again! J.O.Y does excellent job and what he delivers are always very professional and easy to work with. Strongly recommend!"
"Another fantastic mix and master by Alex. He is so patient and has no problem making changes, no matter how minor they may be. He is my go to guy. Could not recommend him enough."
"The masters from Andres is so warm, full and powerful! I Super tight low end. I know it’s going to be a great outcome when Andres master my tracks!"
"Pat did an amazing job, as always. This is my fifth time working with him and he continues to surprise me with his attention to detail and creative genius. One thing I noticed this time around was how well he was able..."