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501 W Broadway Suite 800 Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Professional piano, saxophone, flute, and clarinet musician | Music composer | Artist consultant | Recently completed work in health care as an SEO & Web Content Consultant at the Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), a Fortune 100 company.
Pink Distortion is a Recording studio and music production house Located at The Docks In Downtown Toronto. Recording/Mixing/Producing/ Songwriting/Artist Development and other services available
Producer who has signed to Spinnin Records, Sony, Warner and many more. Toured and worked with David Guetta, Oliver Heldens etc, work full time in TV & Advertising Industry as a music producer currently. Will take on a select amount of extra interesting work.
Patrick S. Barry is a Boston/New England-area musician, songwriter, arranger, producer, and mixing engineer. I am available for session playing, music production, final mixing, song arrangement/consulting, and podcast/dialogue editing.
You Listen, You Dance and You Enjoy when the Switch is On.
Need something completely original? Itchy-O is your dark experimental orchestra with a complete 14 piece rhythm section, taiko drummers, and a dozen more electronic musicians ready to drive your work out of this world.
Recent Successes
"Kevin is a true professional. He made the process so simple and the turnaround was amazing. I couldn't ask for anything more. I am so excited to hear something I made get that professional touch to bring it across the..."
"Working with Michael is a pleasure. I asked him if he can provide a smooth version and he delivered three Versions, all the best quality possible. This Duuude is a singing machine. Definitely 5 Stars if not 3 X as m..."
"Eyal did an outstanding job recording drums for my song. He was very easy to communicate with and open to my thoughts on how the drums should sound…… and then he took it to another level! The playing is way beyond my ..."
"Chris was a total professional. He produced exactly what I asked for within 72 hours with no revisions required. I would definitely work with him again."
"As usual, Chase does not disappoint, this young man has talent to spare, his ability to interpret music and come up with flowing melodies is unparalleled. You cannot go wrong hiring Chase, affordable, professional and..."
"I just finished song #3 with Scott. Scott is such a joy to work with, and the vocals are of the highest quality. Scott always provides a substantial number of tracks to work with, a producers dream. Any project would..."
"Absolutely fantastic oud player with an ability to play virtuosically to the fullest but balance that with an understanding of the track such that the oud line fits the music well when it's the main or supporting. Bah..."
"Joe's work definitely took the project to the next level! He responded quickly to my additional requests and he is very kind. Looking forward to work with him next time."