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45 Essen Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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20 years of experience
Maximise your music's potential - I love helping artists achieve their vision. All genres welcome.
House Band Leader at Brown Sugar Live Taipei, Top 1 local club for live music shows every night with various music genres. The house band had been performing with numerous Chinese/Mandarin pop singers and African-American Jazz/RnB/Soul sIngers for hundreds of thousands audience from all over the world.
Creative recording and mixing in Sydney
Alexander is an experienced songwriter and producer that specializes in creating musically intricate compositions that blend techniques across all genres of music. Alexander can create compositions that are authentic, unique and personal, whether this is for Film/TV, gaming, adverts, and Artist briefs.
Hi! My name is Jeroen Fens, a Music Producer from Rotterdam, The Netherlands. I produce a variety of (electronic) music genres. Ranging from House to Glitch and from Drum and Bass to Hiphop. I’m an absolute perfectionist, and always try to deliver the highest quality material that i can.
I am a Music producer with over 15 years of experience with all kind of music genres. Winner of Pepsi Music Awards. I am a composer as well, I can make simple melodies or orchestral complex compositions from groovy and catchy beats to movie soundtracks. I am an expert on Vocal Tuning and vocal processing.
I am very fast at finding a melody and lyrics to music. I can write it most of the times in a day and clean it up in two days. It comes easily to me. I am a very strong jingle singer and performer. I have a range of 3 octaves and a bit and am a strong vocalist. You have a lot of singers that sound the same, my voice is unique.
Recent Successes
"Chris' profile lists him as a "genius" and it is true to the core. It has been a pleasure working with a talent that loves his craft and far surpasses the needs of the client. I have made a connection that I am comfor..."
"Another awesome track with Mila, she is fire!"
"Such an incredible vocalist. Took feedback really well and owned the project by adding great ideas and staying collaborative. Highly recommend working with Babé!!"
"Matt is everything an artist can hope for an engineer to be as he listens to your feedback extremely patiently till he directly translates what's in your mind, moreover he translates your vision so quick it almost fee..."
"Nothing but positivity and professionalism from Chase. His voice is incredible and the vocal choices he made are superb. I am lucky I got to work with him and I am sure we will work together again. Anyone wanting s..."
"Recording ethnic vocals with Tatiana was a very gratifying and pleasant experience. We started the process with some known basic melodies, but with each revision the song transformed into something more magical and be..."