Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 3R2
23 years of audio production (since 2000 at age of 12). My previous alias I went under as ZXX. Produced and toured alongside Paul Anthony from 2007 to 2012, signing records to Nervous, Ultra, Mixmash, Sleazy G, BADLQQK, Spacedisco, Moody Recordings, Rawthentic, Basement Leak, InStereo Recordings, DJ Deeon's "Ghetto Rhythm Composers"
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I am a mix engineer, as well as recording engineer, producer and musician from Manchester, UK. I have been in The Travelling Band for 10 years, as well as jobbing musician for Lissie (US), when she is touring. I am co-owner and Chief Engineer at Pinhole Sound Studio, with 15 years experience in the studio.
Hello! My name is Timothy William, and I would love to help produce your next track or album! Feel free to reach out to me directly for examples, check out my listed work on my Soundbetter page, or let's start a conversation! timothywilliam.org
Incredibly based with 5 years experience in music and over 10 in media production. Unique sound but it may be just what you're looking for. Biggest accomplishment is writing a song that received 100 thousand+ views. Do it right. I work with any budget! Thanks for helping make my dreams come true :) <3
Need help polishing or producing your demo / radio ready song? Looking for a topline or fresh vocal for your Pop, R&B or EDM tracks? Get in touch and let's work! Currently writing and producing alongside well known producers around the globe.
Over a decade of music industry experience. Toured the world, and parts of Georgia. Making things louder since 2009.
Hi, I’m Will and I love working with pop artists to take their rough demos to a polished pop song ready for release. I work with independent and signed artists, producing a full song based on a rough demo.
DNR Records is dedicated to providing top quality recording, mixing & mastering, artist promotion, and artist growth within the music industry. We are an ever growing studio with plans to continue to expand and give artists the opportunities and the tools to make music as much of their lives as it is ours.
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Recent Successes
"Very good to work with Brandon! Great person, organized and fast! We'll do more jobs together for sure!"
"Honestly, I don't even remember how I found this website. But im sure glad I did. At first I was a little skeptical about even working with anyone on here. But upon doing further research, I found out that's there's a..."
"Arkitek MrJ, is TRULY an Architect of Music! He takes in and regurgitates music like a super power! I am pretty tough, black & white guy with non negotiable deliverables but MrJ is def a Jewel. He Blesses! "
"Top Notch Vocalist on here! Great person to deal and create with. "
"Yoad, that's our third song together in a very short time. Another great mix and Broken Dreams just sounds great. Thanks for you patience and will see you ver soon for another Yoad mix. Can't give a bigger endorsement..."
"passionate, human, professional, perfect job with perfect result"
"Eileen was so awesome to work with! Absolutely killed on the track we worked on together. Great communication and kept me updated throughout the process, and delivered an incredible final result. Will definitely be wo..."
"Stefan was outstanding to work with. His first run at a mix was spot on. We asked for a couple changes for preference and he nailed it. When you work with Stefan you will realize the value of a pro. Thank you!! (Oh… a..."