3160 Doty Chapel Rd Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters

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 - Justin Loving

I was recruited to run FOH at a young age as a volunteer in my local church. I became addicted to all things audio and I haven't let up since. My goal at every show is to connect the band with the audience and create memorable experience for the audience/congregation.

Music Producer - Babs Beat Productions

Babacar Biaye from a very young age in Senegal always loved music technology, though it wasn’t until he made it to the U.S. he was able to study it in college and gain the access and knowledge he needed to do it professionally, He now produces straight out of his home studio as BabsBeatProductions making instrumental beats with a very unique sound.

Producer & Mixing Engineer - Zachary Kuykendall

Hello. I’m a producer & mixing engineer located in Nashville, TN. I have a passion for great songs and great sounding recordings. Let's hang out.

Session Vocalist - Ky

Ky is a classically trained crossover baritone with nearly two decades or performing and recording experience for artists such as Lou Reed, Elton John, Alicia Keys and Barbara Streisand.

Music Composer/Mixing Engineer - Jonny Hall

I am a freelance music composer for film/foley artist and mixing engineer. I have previously worked for Sony as a part of their 360 Reality Audio project in which I mixed songs by artists such as Clean Bandit, ​Jess Glynne,​ Eve Ai and ​Mike Williams​.

Lyricist / Top Line Songwriter - Ky

I live lyrics. I write lyrics and top lines for rappers, pop singers, R&B singers, singer/songwriters, and more. I have studied poetry and lyricism intensively. I can work with anything from a beat to full compositions with melodies.

Topliner, Songwriter - Erika Castro

I’m a professional topliner/songwriter based out of Los Angeles. I specialize in multiple genres including Pop, Latin & EDM to name a few. I offer services such as toplining to tracks and singing for demos etc. I am fluent in both English and Spanish. My sound aims toward Top 10 Global Hits so what I will provide is a catchy, radio-friendly song.

Versatil Producer and Mixer - ES-K

A versatile young session producer and guitarist, capable of producing anything from cinematic pieces to rock mixes, which is my strong suit. Currently equipped with an available recording studio.

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