Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 2soma
2soma x Arafat - Emerazu Zix - Izolovan
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I not only produce &engineer, mix & master, but also teach. I'm a Voting Member of The Grammy Recording Academy. I am the creator of the online courses "How To Produce Music That Will Get Licensed & Make You Money," and "Mysteries Of Mastering Solved." I'm the author of the book "The Home Studio Bible." My personal mentor is Quincy Jones.
I'm Tom St. James. I am the chief engineer and senior composer for BASSIC Productions LLC. Our award winning company offers music, audio and engineering services to anyone who needs really great sound.
I’m a Professional sound engineer / Producer / Artist that have been around audio production for a while now. Started producing and programming beats on computers as a teenager, this passion eventuly led to Studies to obtain a certificate in recording, mixing and mastering in a professional studio back in 2012. I’m now a freelancer in the music
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Music. I have a pure tone, wide range F3 - E6. A bilingual singer, English/ Russian. A semifinalist of the American Traditions Vocal Competition 2021.
Passion fuels everything I write and sing! More than songs, more than music, its expression!
We take a concept and turn it into a full blown production, guided by your vision. If you are ready to take your songs to the next level, we are here to help.
Session Guitarist, Bassist, Pianist - I specialize in recording and mixing ambient and rock music.
2soma x Arafat - Emerazu Zix - Izolovan
Recent Successes
"Morgane did another great song for us. Great voice and once again very versatile with you voice. She sang the verses and harmonies."
"It was pleasure to work with these guys! They are very timely, quick in response and their work on my song was great- definitely gave it the glow it was needing. Responded to revisions quite spot on. Very professional..."
"Emma is hands down the most consistent and most talented vocal editor I have worked with. Absolutely love her work! Thanks again, Emma! "
"Mattias is the REAL DEAL. Hyped I found this guy. He has already knocked 2 songs out for me and I am very pleased with his attention to detail and knowledge of metal. He even contributed some vocals on this last one. ..."
"Brent is an incredible mixing engineer. He addressed everything I needed to get done for this track with complete professionalism and gave me awesome feedback. Hope we can work together again soon! "
"Ben has golden ears and is clearly a top professional in his field. He nailed the mix, perfected the vocals, was patient with my suggestions, and delivered a master that has a punchy sound without straining the ears...."
"Jimmy is an artists dream. Eno, Visconti caliber. Incredible mixer/musician. "
"Andres produced two stunning masters for my song. Absolutely delighted with both of them. Thoroughly recommend. Definitely will be using his services again. "