Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 2m+ Digital Streams
Hi! I'm frogi. I'm an artist, songwriter, singer, producer, and engineer.
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What up world!! I'm a rapper and a lyricist and I have been writing lyrics for all of my songs for almost a year now. I have expertise in both English and Kannada raps. I've recorded 3 official songs for a cricket league. I'm good at writing catchy hooks as well. I'm looking forward to work with a producer and make an EP to release worldwide.
Hey, I am Aeitinity, a 16-year old Trance and House producer.
Professional sound mixer and sound engineer from Russia. Services: vocal tuning & comping.
My name is Hugo, better known as Sync & Play. I'm a Swedish songwriter and musicproducer specialising in Electronic and Pop music. I've been producing music for the last 11 years. I release songs on my own and I'm helping people all around the world. I can't wait to hear from you! If you need help with a song.. hit me up!
Mira también todas las ofertas de portátiles que hay disponibles, te podrás hacer con un ordenador portátil por muy poco dinero. Disfruta de la mejor tecnología pero sin tener que gastar auténticas barbaridades en modelos carísimos. Aquí tienes una tienda de productos electrónicos que se preocupa por ti y por tu ahorro
Hiphop ghostwriter. I have plenty of written songs, verses, hooks, suggestions for beats. I know longer do hiphop but I occasionally have the urge to write songs or verses for other people. You can check out some of my past songs on SoundCloud under Trey Ace or Painscape Ent or painscapeent I can send you lyrics and you can modify them as much
Capture raw, authentic rock energy at Bass Face Studio with analog warmth, modern clarity, and expert mixing, mastering, and production that consistently resonates with audiences and earns radio play.
Recent Successes
"Austin Thank you so much. Music is louder than I could ever imagine. Quality at a timely manner. Very efficient. "
"Awesome person. Awesome performance."
"Rocking,Super punchy, energetic, modern and full sounding! Blair is the BEST!"
"Mike is an extremely talented mixing and mastering engineer. He nailed my track and the vibe I was going for after only receiving simple direction. Highly recommended!"
"'Wow'. That's all I could say when I first heard the track Gideon had sent me. It was exactly the sound I was after. I sent him a demo without drums, and before I knew it, he had sent me all the individual drum tracks..."
"Thanks to Gesuladi. The project was delivered very quickly, its professionalism and up to what I expected. I totally recommend this sound engineer 🔥🔥"
"Colton is an incredible talent at the drums. He played on one of my red dirt country-style songs that needed a good rocking beat and he didn't disappoint. Talented, timely, communicative, it was nothing but good stuff..."
"Nik was great to work with! Sounded great and gave me exactly what I was looking for. Highly recommend! "
"Amazing work as always. Luke is my go to for guitars."
"Once I found Nik, I don't use anyone else. He's a brilliant player, very professional and heck of a nice guy. He treats each song as if it's a top notch song for radio, even when those songs may not deserve it. - So g..."