Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 2AM - Veve Milah
Her biggest hit has over a million streams on Spotify. Veve Milah has collaborated with huge artists such as Vanotek and Raphael Karrell and she's been published by Spotify Spain after her song "Chilleando por Madrid" went viral.
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Dom Morley is a Grammy Award winning engineer know for making tracks sound warm, wide and punchy.
Music production, recording, mixing and mastering engineer specializing in live recordings. Core focus on independent artistes with an edgy, out-of-the-box sound.
Ive been Writing/ Recording since I was 14yrs old. I bought ProTools and started doing my own engineering at 16 yrs old. 13 years experience in writing/ recording & 11 years experience in Audio Engineering. Lets make a hit single!
Have great ideas but unsure how to make them into something radio ready? Tired of getting poor results? LET ME HELP! I've worked with record labels such as Universal Music, Sony Music, Ninja Tune Records to name a few. Have worked with big name brands like Maybelline NY and shared writing sessions with writers for David Guetta and Little Mix!
Producer for modern Pop and Electronic Dance Music (EDM). I am a BMI and RIAA award-winning producer with years of experience collecting multi-platinum and gold awards records worldwide. I am based in Los Angeles.
I'm 22 year old music producer from Los Angeles. I specialize in sample/loop making, as well as beat making.
Song-writter, arranger, producer, multi-instrumentalist with bass-guitar as main instrument, singer and lover of quality music.
Sou rapper, cantor e compositor, tenho mais de 12 músicas lançadas em diversos idiomas, português, espanhol e francês.
Recent Successes
"Austin is absolutely amazing! 2 for 2 with and looking forward to the next project!"
"A pleasure working with Devonte. He is an excellent vocal with good communication skills, perceptive and understanding. He really brings life into the song. If you need a good, modern vocal, Devonte is the guy you need."
"It was a pleasure working with Klaas. He replied very fast to my messages and never had an issue with any of my requests. His system is very straight forward with exact instructions on what he needs from you, so that ..."
"Tania brought the most beautiful, soulful background vocals to my song! I cannot recommend her highly enough!"
"It is such a pleasure working with Meredith. She is incredibly talented, communicates well, and delivers excellent performances that are recorded well. She has a unique voice and is incredibly skilled in vocal perform..."
"Guy does his homework 100. My man Audiostein is a no-brainer for any serious artist. This is my second project working with him and he will be hired for a 3rd 4th and 5th. So don't slepp."
"I hired Christian to write lyrics and melody for some music I wrote. He was extremely easy to work with. Very friendly and on my project he was quick. He nailed it on the first try. If my singer can't do it, i might h..."
"I had a great experience working with G. He listened with intent, and helped to create exactly what I wanted. He was very patient with all my edits and delivered a project that I am proud of. I will definitely work ..."
"Man he killed the master per expected but gave various options to choose from. My song came back sounding amazing! Will continue to go through Wes to obtain the sound I’m looking for. Top Tier professionalism as well!"