Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 27 TIMES 9
Ciao, sono Ayron The Dark, produttore musicale appassionato di pop-punk, metal e pop moderno. Combinando energia e melodie catchy, creo tracce che uniscono questi stili per un sound fresco, grosso e potente. Contattami e portiamo insieme la tua musica al prossimo livello!
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My name is Roman. I'm Recording\Mixing\Mastering Engineer, Sound Producer, Sound Designer, Composer and Songwriter from Kiev, Ukraine. I am working in music\production industry about 10 years, so I have great experience. I'm working basically in all genres, and with all kinds of audio materials.
20+ year production, engineering, studio, live, remix, artist and performer with over 100 commercial releases. Primary focus is mixing these days but given the right fit happy to collaborate on any project's needs.
If you need a hit song, you've come to the right place
I have been professional singer/actor, in New York, for over 15 years. I have extensive experience in the studio with lead vocals, back-up vocals and excel at harmonies. I also have experience editing & mixing tracks and a working knowledge of Pro Tools.
Hi! my name is Abe Song, and I'm a composer, producer, and pianist based in LA. My background is classical and jazz. I can take your vocal recording on your phone and make it into a lofi, R&B, Citypop, hip-hop, jazz, or orchestral track.
Looking for modern and original Hip Hop or R&B productions? Then I'm here for you !
I love to create timeless beautiful songs.
I’m an R&B/pop/indie singer-songwriter with a MA in Songwriting in London. With over 3mil+ streams on NetEase (major music platform in China) and 500k+ on Soundcloud, I specialized in cross-genre top lines, songwriting, versatile vocals and vox arrangements. Clients include Metaverse artists, commercial campaigns and producers of R&B, pop and EDM.
Recent Successes
"It was a real pleasure to work with Søren, he is professional and take care of your project. He is a person you can trust to work on your music projects."
"Jemini was amazingly good I am very pleased with his work and I look forward to working with him again. Thank you Jemini"
"Awesome work again Milo. We needed to finish this one first and it was not a problem for Milo at all to switch between the songs we have been working on. The result was stunning"
"Brilliant service! Camilo! Thank you so much! You are very professional and you really know this! My track completely changed after this mastering! We will work together for more projects for sure! Thank you!"
"Pro work. Great instincts, and puts in the extra effort to provide additional/optional layers, etc."
"Mario is incredible every time!! 10/10"
"As reliable as it gets, always delivering clean masters in a timely manner"
"Brian did an amazing job. He is an absolute pro. I highly recommend working with him! Thank you, Brian. I'll be back for more."
"Another great recording with Chuck! What can I say more? He is a professional, working with him is so easy and nice. It is always a pleasure working with him :)"