Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 116
Credits: Credits: 116, Nic D, Justin Starling, Juslo, Bachi, and more
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Multiple Award winner specialized in audio post-production for Film, TV-Series and Advertizing, with more than 12 years of North American audio credits on multiple Motion Pictures as well as TV Series. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1161829/
productor musical del tema natural del artista ryan haze el cual ha adquirido 116.000 visitas en youtube organocas por su conviccion en sonidos frescos y actuales con su toque especial
mejor estudio de la zona lagunera, con la mejor frecuenca y mejor brillo especializado en todo tipo de efectos,reverbs,delays y demas siempre tratando en dejar calidad a mis clientes y siempre fue pasion todo esto que tenia qe ver con la musica
I will bring your dead track back from the undead. I'm familiar with what sounds dull and lazy, and what sounds alive and healthy. I'm also an aspiring musical artist with my own songs coming out soon. I can be on your track if needed. I promise to make all services as professional as possible.
Versatile Grammy Nominated Bassist with over 25 years of experience available for your next project! My tracks focus on delivering the best performance for your project with emphasis on groove, tone, feel, dynamics and attitude. I strive to serve your vision by enhancing the music without ever distracting from it.
Classically trained vocalist, but sings from the soul, in the style of Bonnie Raitt/Joni Mitchell/Linda Ronstadt. Lyrics-writing, too. I've sung covers and originals solo and with colleagues in sets at venues like The Bitter End, The Living Room... and I'd love to breathe life into your music. Fun, reliable, communicative, no ego: #joseymillersings
Producer and mixer specializing in Hip Hop and electronic music. 10 million streams across platforms,
My goal is to help clients take projects to their full potential in any way I can--be it something front and center, or sprinkled in the background. I let my ears be the guide and specialize in synth work, piano, sound design, production, composition, and arrangement. My credits include nearly 25 million streams on Spotify and TV shows and films.
Recent Successes
"Philip made a bomb dub track for me. He also easily incorporated my revisions to make the track work with the lyrics - and all this in a time where the world was collapsing. Pure talent. "
"Judd is a multitalented artist/musician with an acute sense of responsibility for whatever job he is doling. Always pleasure to work with. Highly recommend for any back vocal, choir or voice over job! "
"He worked really fast and delivered everything as expected. "
"2nd time working with Jeff. This time mixing 11 tracks for me. He did an excellent job, with quick turn time, fast communication and very patient. I will get back to Jeff for my next project for sure."
"Great to work with."
"Matt nailed it! He played exactly what I was looking for. If you’re looking for a great session, call on Matt. "
"Matt's done it once again! He mixed and mastered an older track of mine from 2018 - A super dense, chaotic metal / electronic hybrid song and he gave it a brand new life. He brings out textures and elements you didn't..."
"Derran did an amazing performance of my song, for sure he's got groove in the blood. He's also very human and kind. To be recommended without any hesitations"
"Ni'elle has amazing talent and she never never disappoints. We always find our way back to Ni'elle for noteworthy projects. Ni'elle's vocals are always on point and so creative. Highly recommended!"