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1044 Mt Vernon Rd SE Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Recording Engineer, Mixer and Post-Producer, AES member.
Melody Master
WhiteboiBilly is an Atlanta based music engineer. I've worked for multiple music studios and labels with 3 yeas of experience. services include recording and mixing and will have your product done within a week.
We have created music for the biggest brands in different industries such as Nike, Mercedes, Ubisoft, JBL, Samsung, Hugo Boss and supported them during the process in terms of audio branding, sound design, mixing and mastering.
The smartest mixing, putting all the sounds in a organyc balance.
Lap Steel and Pedal Steel guitar session musician. I also play bass guitar, banjo and guitar and I compose music for video games, TV and film.
I will mix and master your song for free. I have experience producing music so I know my way around sounds and tools.
Creative, remote Song Writer and singer
Recent Successes
"Extremely talented, very communicative and a pleasure to interact with. Would love to work together again! "
"I've said a lot about Trey in my reviews. We've worked with him a bunch and are kinda addicted. This time I'll just say: So awesome!!!"
"michael is perfect."
"Micah was very helpful and got back to me with a finished product quickly. I really loved how the final project turned out and will be working with him again in the future. "
"Sam was amazing and super easy to work with. He's friendly and professional and completely nailed the production of my song. He really paid attention to all my notes and helped bring my vision to life. I will definite..."
"Leo is fast and incredibly easy to work with. We only had a scratch vocal and some basic chords and he was able to give us the jazz feel we were looking for. He even went as far as to work on the scratch vocals, tunin..."
"Nathalie did an indie/pop song for us and it was so cool to hear her really nail that style. She's truly a pro and able to adapt to every situation. "
"That was a great experience to work with Tyler. Such a talent in terms of writing the lyrics and with a versatile voice. Thank you once again for your superb collaboration."