Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with +100's more
Welcome at This Mix Is Sick, the sickest EDM mastering service. I'm world-class mastering engineer Bram Fidder. Get started now and let your music make its maximum impact!
Welcome to Lunar Studio, your destination for premium analogue and digital mixing and mastering. With top-tier expertise and an arsenal of legendary gear, we transform your music into a professional, impactful masterpiece ready for any platform.
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I can help you write and produce your song or compose a soundtrack for your game or movie!
My Name is Ronnie Jones but the world calls me SirDuke. Duke for short. I have been into music for 22 years now. Its the only thing that has kept me going. I am a military veteran. I served my country for 6 years with 27 months in Iraq and 6 months in Haiti as a Humanitarian.
Record your songs at The Groove House's state of the art recording studio, and get the sound quality of Nashville and LA at HALF the price.
I begin my music career in 1998 as a fresh music producer working with kurupt from the dog pound and producing tracks on his kuruption album. I love and enjoy creating music in every way it will always be a part of my life.
I make most of my own beats and write all my own songs. I have not yet gotten the opportunity to work with a lot of other people, but I hope that I can make some new connections, and subsequently a lot of new music through those I meet on here.
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Ready to break free from the ordinary? I'm your secret weapon for unique and radio ready music production. With a focus on innovative techniques and cutting-edge technology, I'll help you create music that's truly one-of-a-kind. Let's collaborate and create something extraordinary
With 9 years of live sound mixing expertise and 5 years mastering in Pro Tools, I deliver industry-standard mixes and masters that bring your music to life with clarity, depth, and precision.
Recent Successes
"Another great production with Rob! It is a song with a crunchy funky groove. Rob did a great job. All instruments are clear to listen and optimal positioned. He used great vocal effects. Highly recommended! "
"Even though the song was outside of Dan's Range, this mad did everything he could to make it the best he possibly could. Great guy to work with. Super understanding. I will be hitting him up again in the future!"
"Dillan is very service minded, eager to meet the needs of his clients, and really cares that you are satisfied. Had a prewritten song, and he nailed pretty much all of it without any further guidance. His focus on com..."
"Easiest man with talent to work with around. Understands your vision, understands your feedback, and makes it work! Not to mention the great mixing and his first runs are always so good. "
"Jake is a magician at music production and brewing beer. Alfie is an excellent musical sous chef. Quality herbal and English Breakfast teas available upon request. Returning customer thoroughly satisfied. Highly r..."
"Nice work from Stige! Really fast, got it, recorded clean vocals, with the little grit they needed. Gonna love working w/ this track."