Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with креатив
4 years of experience in recording, mixing and production. Recorded and mixed over 100 audio projects across genres. Created jingles for radio. Collaborated with artists and producers on track releases.
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Maleki Enterprises & Associates Cyrus Maleki Bachelor of Fine Arts in Sound Design, Savannah College of Art & Design [2014] Hometown: Savannah, GA, USA Portfolio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7myF6OhL-k
The H, Third Eye Open, Irina Schneider, Gmixte Emotion, Adrian De La Torre, Miracle Four
Quality Sound. Many years of experience in music production. I can produce most genres, just shoot me a message and we will go from there!
I believe we all have a desire to be heard, to be understood. Some need a little more help than others to reach that point. With more than 12 years of musical experience, I can help in creating perfect clarity with high-quality mixes and production.
Recording Studio for Alternativ hand made Music.
We want your story to be Well Told. Whatever it is that you want to create, we are the place for it. We offer a professional space to record your music, write your songs, practice with your band, and more!
Dancehall reggae,Afro beat,Amapiano,House and Hiphop Producer/Mix Engineer/post editor/beat maker./Audio Visual Specialist. I am an audio engineer for 7 years now and I transform the clients vision into a reality.We make sounds reach higher levels by employing various sound designing techniques along with mixing techniques.
Recent Successes
"Amazing Voice - an absolutely exceptional talent! So great to work with."
"Insanely talented!! and very good vocals. Also understands if you want some changes. Amazing experience!"
"Brilliant delivery on an audio stretching job. Super quick & proved to be very proficient. Many thanks to Gosteffects!"
"Highly trained, friendly, and dedicated individual! His ultimate goal is making his client happy. I was so satisfied with my first job with Sheikh Saadi that I immediately came for him again for my next song! He will ..."
"Returning customer, it’s the second time I’ve worked with Bram at TMIS. Absolutely quality job as always.. Bram always applies his expert knowledge to give the best possible mix/master... great communication as always..."
"Always an incredible joy to work with Prince. Amazing singer, arranger and performer ! I Certainly hope to work with him together on many new songs. "
"Had a fantastic experience working with Tomas. He has a collaborative spirit and a great sense of how to bring a production to life with his drum and percussion expertise. Looking forward to calling upon him again in ..."
"Gideon was great! He was very responsive and seemed to immediately understand what the song needed to really shine. I plan on working with Gideon for many projects to come. Thanks Gideon!"
"A talented, gifted musician. A true professional!"