Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with めいちゃん
25+ years of engineering experience Magic Mix Highly trusted by musician
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About Me * 20+ years of experience * Work with/for Grammy Award-Winning Artists * Billboard Charting Vocalist * GMA Songwriting Finalist * Rhythm n Gospel Nominee * 8 Studio Albums * 1000+ songs recorded * 100s of 5Star Reviews What to Expect * Communication * Clarity * Creativity * Professionalism * Integrity * Professional Sound
I will make your song and vocals tight, sparkling, and radio-ready.
If you're looking for that classic singer-songwriter vocal sound for your project, I'm the one for the job. From intimate to powerful, light and airy to strong and bold, I'll deliver in a way that takes your song to the next level. I'll follow your vision for your track and help you to realize it.
A choir-trained musician with a degree in media, emphasis on sound. I got out from the vocational college of Helsinki with a Pro Tools grant from Avid/msonic. Currently working out of my own studio and freelancing for Finnvox. I've handled sessions at the biggest studios in Finland, and i have a constant hunger for more.
Credited at producing 'Techno and Synth-Pop' by a reviewer who listened to and reviewed my debut album 'The Salt of the Earth'. I produce and record live and electronic music from all genres but especially dance/indie and techno/electro music. I have a mobile setup and can record your live gig or produce your next album! We will be the best.
You wanted your voice sounds great, clean and correct on the note? We can mix your voice better.
Hi there !! I'm a musician / Songwriter / Music Producer / Sound Engenieer . I'm From Iran and Try to make some money with your help :D 13 of being musician and 4 years of Music Production and Mixing / Mastering so you can trust me ...
Unique productions with analog feel blended into a digital world.
Recent Successes
"After many great experiences with Mark and many reviews, you'd think I'd run out of ways to say how awesome this guy is. Seriously, the best, fastest and nicest guy to work with. Need great tracks for your music? Mark..."
"Its a pleasure working with him. HandPercussionTracks will give you exactly what you need and makes sure you are happy. I am going to work with him again"
"I highly recommend L.Nix Mastering. I needed to master one song. Kevin made it very quickly and the main thing is that the result I received was much higher than I expected. It sounds incredibly cool, I am delighted. ..."
"Brent was great to work with. Our track required the addition of some unique sounds and some additional instrumentation. He was able to add these in and nailed the feeling we were trying to achieve. The final mix has ..."
"Jenna did a great job tuning my vocal tracks, making them sound radio quality. "
"the best"
"Sebastian at Coponat Records is an awesome audio engineer. This was my first project with him as he mixed a string ensemble for me. The result was great and I will for sure use his services again. "
"Ethan did the mixing and mastering on a track he also did the vocals on. Came out incredible and I can't recommend ethan enough. He is a great collaborator and very easy to work with. Will definitely use him again!!"
"So pleased with the violin tracks Maga built up for my song. Excellent musicality, tuning, great tone, clean recordings and she tastefully added some touches that really elevate the parts beyond what I'd imagined. Ver..."