Gustavo Lopez

Music production and mixing

Gustavo Lopez on SoundBetter

Mixing services with a musician's perspective and special taste for acoustic sounds.

I am a professional musician, composer, and also independent producer. I realize my own music productions from composition, arrangements, recording, mixing and mastering. That gives me a special sensibility and a wide perspective on music. For this reason, now I am offering my skills in mixing songs.

I can offer a clean, rounded, balanced mixing with the desired character. My style and knowledge will be best applied to pop music, acoustic music, Latin, flamenco, soft rock and any other genre with a predominance of acoustic sounds. I am in particular skilled at mixing acoustic guitars.

I like enhancing the natural sounds of instruments and vocals, to achieve a warm, rounded and balanced mixing. Any processing will be subordinated to this main goal. I tend to apply top-end tube saturation and tape plug-ins for this purpose.

My offering includes.

-Mixing Up to 10 independent tracks. (More or less).
-Equalization of tracks, overall cleaning and compression when needed.
-Creation of mixing groups to add special characteristics to the desired sound
-Add specific fx (reverb, delay, chorus, overdrive) as per client suggestion.
-Tube and tape plug-ins will be added if needed.

What you will get:
-A final mixing track that will be ready for mastering. (Around -6 to -7db
average output volume).
-A pre-master version of the track as a reference.

Send me an email through 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you asap.


  • English
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish

Interview with Gustavo Lopez

  1. Q: Which artist would you like to work with and why?

  2. A: I would love to work with Radiohead. Their creativity and singularity is out this world.

  3. Q: Can you share one music production tip?

  4. A: Choose a couple of good references and stick to them.

  5. Q: What type of music do you usually work on?

  6. A: Mostly acoustic music with guitars

  7. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  8. A: I specialize in mixing acoustic guitars, particularly nylon strings. My experience extends to blending acoustic instruments within a broader mix, ensuring each element contributes effectively to the overall sound.

  9. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  10. A: My goal is to faithfully capture the artist's vision while crafting a warm and balanced production. I strive for a listening experience that is both engaging and enjoyable.

  11. Q: What's your typical work process?

  12. A: Music Production Process: I begin the production process by establishing a reference track and building upon its foundation using virtual instruments to fill in any musical gaps. As needed, I replace these virtual elements with live acoustic instrumentation. Mixing Approach: My mixing methodology involves a comprehensive analysis of the reference track of the original material. I employ a "top-down" approach, focusing on achieving a balanced mix early in the process. Subsequently, I refine the sound by grouping instruments and making targeted adjustments. To ensure optimal results, I extensively test the mix across various listening environments, including different audio systems and reference tracks within my DAW.

  13. Q: Tell us about your studio setup.

  14. A: My home studio is equipped with high-quality Audio-Technica and Røde microphones, paired with a tube preamp for a warm, analog-style sound. To optimize the recording environment, I've treated the room with acoustic panels and foam, and I use a screen panel isolator for all recordings. My production setup includes Logic Pro X, along with software subscriptions from Plugin Alliance and Slate Digital, plus additional high-end plugins. I recently added the Lava Microphone emulator to my arsenal.

  15. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  16. A: I find inspiration in the vast world of acoustic music. My musical influences span a wide range, from the intimacy of acoustic ballads to the intricate complexities of progressive rock. I'm drawn to the organic sounds of genres like indie rock, flamenco, and Latin jazz.

  17. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  18. A: I specialize in recording and mixing acoustic guitars for clients.

Terms Of Service

-Provide separate audio tracks with no fx applied
-The client must specify the bit rate and sample desired
-Provide reference songs
-7 days for delivery, 2 or 3 revisions.

GenresSounds Like
  • Radiohead
  • Paco de Lucía
Gear Highlights
  • Logic Pro X
  • Sound ID Reference for mixing
  • High end plugins for compression
  • saturation
  • tape emulation
  • cleaning
  • mastering
  • metering and others.
More Photos
More SamplesProducing and recording all the projects on this list.