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Chile Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Chile
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I'm a professional music producer, mix engineer and session guitarist based in Santiago, Chile.
Alice Minguez, known to some as "the American Kate Bush," is a versatile vocalist and musician. She has collaborated with talent such as top Argentinean house producer Pralo and Chilean vocalist Erika. Alice also composes classical music and produces multi-genre instrumentals that have been featured on Acid Ted, SimLiveRadio, Artefaktor, etc.
Latest hits 💿: J balvin, Reik, Lalo ebratt - Indeciso +45 Platinum Worldwide 💿 Lola Indigo Ft Rauw Alejandro, Lalo Ebratt - 4 besos 4X platinum 💿 Aitana Ft Reik - Enemigos 1x gold 📀 spoiler N1 in charts and 2X Platinum (Spain) (Chile) 💿💿
I will musically craft, whatever your needs are, with unique creativity.
I have worked with experimented Latin American artists such as Beto Cuevas (La Ley - Chile), Adrián Barilari (Rata Blanca - Argentina), Juan Antonio Ferreyra (Riff - Argentina). Right now playing with María Becerra. Working with a personal band since 2013 called ''1915'' with whom we played in the Lollapalooza 2019 in Argentina
I'm deeply involved with the DTM and VOCALOID scene and know all the hurdles that bedroom producers face, like dealing with vocal synthesizers or sampled orchestras / virtual instruments, thus I have no problem in making them sound alive and convincingly real.
LEID is a Session & Touring Musician. Composer & Producer. Chilean keyboard player. Today, he performs with “Chancho en Piedra” (Latin Grammy Nominee) and produces side by side with "DrefQuila” (Warner Music Artist), besides working with pop, rock and jazz bands. Has 2 studio recordings: NATURA, Contemporary Jazz/Folk, 2018. EXPERIMENT, EDM, 2021.
Ingeniero de Grabación, Mezcla, Artista Sonoro from Chile. 15 años de experiencia
Recent Successes
"Ken did a great job. He made an extra effort to deliver quickly and we appreciate that. the result was great and we couldn't be happier. "
"So far, I have worked with Chris on two recent projects. The highest compliment that I can give is that he "DELIVERS!" Chis works quickly, with a keen sense of how to lay down the groove. He feels it! I have more pro..."
"A superb musical engineer. I trust Corry with my best work knowing I'll get the right result. Five stars."
"Amazing and creative work! These guys really take the time to perfect your sound and took my track to the next level. Went above and beyond my expectations and you can really tell they don't rush their work and pay at..."
"Josh is my go-to for mastering!!!! Kills it every time and is always a pleasure to communicate with. Works incredibly fast with amazing results"
"Thank you Alex, again ! Great job"
"Amazing drum sound, the clarity, tonality and placement of the other instruments was impeccable as well."
"What a great voice and perfect for this ballad! Brandon is a pro and works quickly which is always a blessing."
"Nate has done it again!!! Such an amazing experience working with this guy every time. Needed drums last minute & he had them tracked and delivered to me before I woke up the next morning. Legendary. Can't wait to kee..."