Bennett & Jack Higgins


Bennett & Jack Higgins on SoundBetter

Producer/Songwriter duo with 5+ years of experience. Specialized in working with singer-songwriters. Pop, Acoustic, Country/Folk, RnB, Ballads, Indie, etc.

Our team of 2 can assist you in completing whatever project you're working on.
We will help you to:
1.) Write and compose a song from scratch (or bring us one you've already written)
2.) Produce the track out (instrumentation, drum programming, fx)
3.) Mix-and-master the project, and return a final master .wav ready for release.

We can help get you started... or help you finish what you've already started.

If you live in Los Angeles, we can also assist you with the recording process at Grouse House...our beautiful, K-Town, recording studio!

Click the 'Contact' above to get in touch. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Forgive by Andreas Moss & Jayna Brown

I was the Songwriter,Producer, Mix/Master Engineer in this production

Terms Of Service

Upfront deposit of 50% must be made before work begins.
2nd 50% is to be paid before the transfer of the final deliverables.
14 day turnaround start-to finish.
Contract of terms to be provided.

GenresSounds Like
  • Adele
  • Sam Smith
  • Ed Sheeran
Gear Highlights
  • Nord
  • Korg
  • Martin
  • Taylor
  • Stratocaster
  • Percussion
  • Upright piano
  • Bass
  • Midi
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