Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Zariusxx
Christopher "WellingtonCTYT" Danuco is a freelance audio engineer and producer in the Greater Toronto Area. Wellington's philosophy focuses on professionalism, creativity, enthusiasm, and authentic artist/client relationships. Wellington believes that music and art - as known to be a universal language - transcends through time and space
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I deliver punchy modern mixes with large soundscapes for many modern genres
Billboard-Charting Songwriter/Producer wants to take your project’s songwriting, mixing or mastering to the next level.
Passionate for hybrid mixing and mastering awesome creativity specialized in Reggeaton and hip hop ,Latin music, Reggae dub ,Rock and pop Credits with artists like Alerta Kamarada, Morat, The inevitable rock band
9/2/21 Im a student at musicians institute studying for my associates degree in studio recording week 9 of 11 semester 4 of 6. Im looking to begin developing my portfolio.
At Plunex Production, we have a unique sense of rhythm and a pleasant taste for visual design. We have been successful in making a brand name for itself as a creator of quality content, amazing music, as well as conceptualizing pleasing video designs. A few of our YouTube channels are Plunex Bhakti, Plunex Apna Pahad, Plunex Originals
Hi my name is Gaige and I am a classically trained Alto Sax player with 7 years experience. I also can sing, play snyth, and I am also do all my own audio engineering!
Specializing in Asian Pop x Billboard Top 40. As a music fan, I usually bring understanding of sub-genres and sub-cultures to my production, which influences work philosophies and techniques. Whether you're a commercial or a DIY artist, I can comfortably adapt to your workflow
Media composer with quick writing capabilities without sacrificing quality. Trained in multiple styles and instruments. Can write to picture, edit, mix, conduct, and arrange. Knowledge and experience with all popular DAWs and notation software, as well as extensive knowledge of VSTs and related equipment.
Recent Successes
"Super quick and amazing to work with even though I was late with responses and a little hard to work with due to outside factors, thankyou so much project came out amazing !"
"Zach is great to work with! Really did an excellent job with my track and also has a quick turnaround. He took the song to the net level, I highly recommend him!"
"About to send him my 3rd project, I think that says it all!!!"
"Very talented. Her vocals made these songs shine and come to life. I look forward to working with her again very soon. "
"This is the third track Austin has mixed and mastered for me, and it's absolutely outstanding. Austin's work is always a top-notch industry-standard product!"
"Everything went great!"
"Professional sounding track and great communication, always a pleasure! "
"I asked Ryan to do a duet with a soprano, and he integrated perfectly with the other voice, both when he was the lead vocal and when he had to do the counterpoint. Also, his interpretation of the song is always someth..."
"5 star for Simone! He is amazingly talented and gets the sound right!"
"This lady is an angelic talent and an utter professional. Her rate of delivery took me by surprise and I am in awe of how my music now sounds. I will definitely be working with her again soon."