Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Yuri Da Cunha
Ximbinha Mamede: Musician and Researcher, Graduated in Music from the Catholic University of Salvador Ximbinha Mamede, renowned musician and researcher, is pleased to announce his remarkable achievements in music and ethnomusicology. Graduated from the Music Institute of the Catholic University of Salvador, Ximbi
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Professionality and expertise at your disposal
My name is Andrew Attard, owner of Time lapse studios where your wish is our command. We work closely with today's hardware and plugins standards and make sure that all work is fully done to customer's satisfaction. This is what we pride in.
I'm a multi-faceted composer, songwriter, and producer. I produce tracks in all genres with a specialty in Pop, Rock and Orchestral. I bring 20+ years of experience in the LA music scene to your project and deliver an industry standard product.
Live drum tracks, remote or local in the Atlanta area.
Female vocalist, range A3 - F6 with classical background. Can do voice acting as well Audio engineer, do mix and mastering, work remotely
Responsible for working on a range of projects as a freelance web developer, designing appealing websites and interacting on a daily basis with graphic designers, back-end developers, and marketers.
Music chose me i didn't choose it! its apart of my DNA. I was on Season 12 of NBC'S The Voice. I am a master vocalist with perfect pitch and I am a talented songwriter and musician, fluently playing piano , guitar, and drums by ear.
Hi , I’m a seasoned mixing and mastering engineer specializing in metal genres. I offer remote services that bring professional polish and powerful impact to your music. From tight, aggressive tones to atmospheric layers, I ensure your tracks stand out with clarity and punch. Let’s elevate your sound!
Recent Successes
"Blair is such an amazingly talented drummer! He did a fantastic job recording the drum track for my song and was such a pleasure to work with."
"Best service. Very helpful and humble but most importantly best at what he does. Highly recommended. "
"Austin handily knocked this mix out of the park. He brought out elements in the song that gave it more depth."
"Kate is someone who is easy to work with. She has an incredible voice and puts in a great deal of time and effort learning the song she has chosen to sing. After she had rehearsed and then recorded my song I was blown..."
"Melissa is literally the best I'm such a fan, she's basically a goddess "
"I fully recommend TMR! Ive been using his services for many songs and couldn't be happier"