Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Yung Riel
Experienced Producer, Music Engineer and Artist for 3 years. I've been able to make a name for myself in the local scene, worked extensively with popular local artists with both beat production and vocal mixing.
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Dear Artists, If you are looking for a reliable, experienced producer and mixing engineer, I can help you further. I gained experience over 20 years. Since 3 years I am working full time as producer and mixing engineer in my Studio Schwarz-Musikproduktion.de I am songwriter for Warner Chappell and released in different styles on many labels
A Mix Engineer and Sound Recording Engineer by Profession, I'm also a Music Producer and Composer. I work as the Chief Engineer at AUM Studios.
Hey there! I'm Gloria, and I'm the singer for your demo song. With my high-pitched and dreamy voice, I'll create captivating vocals for your songs and projects. Let's work together and make some beautiful music!
Shaping your music into broadcast-quality audio ready for an audience.
Certified Mastering Engineer Andreas Mayrhofer works with best nomenated Mix & Mastering Tools to get optimal results.
Ready to get your greatest performance recorded for your next hit? Look no further! I will guide you to your best most emotional performance. Let's get some great work done!
'A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song. ' Maya Angelou
Sound engineering graduate with a strong foundation in music theory and practical skills. Experienced in using Pro Tools, Ableton, and Reaper for audio production. Currently honing my expertise as an intern at PLUTO Studios, while also managing live sound at PAPAITO Venue. Committed to delivering high-quality audio experiences in both studio and l
Recent Successes
"Maria brought tears to my eyes with her vocal performance on this 3rd song she has recorded for me. She is a rare and special talent who is incredibly easy to work with. Maria brings such a beautiful vocal sound and m..."
"Chris is a killer drummer and a pleasure to work with. Real creative approach to drumming. Very interesting ideas, punchy grooves and the recordings are top notch. Bravoo!"
"Andres made my self-produced track sound so much better! He got it loud, consistent, punchy, and really made the low end work. He was kind, fair, and professional in communication. Highly recommend!"
"David provided me with the solid bass part I needed as the first step in building this particular song. Since I don't read music, it's hard for me to communicate musical ideas without being face-to-face, but David di..."
"Michael is a fantastic musician and drummer! Not only is his time-feel impeccable, he served the song perfectly and came up with some truly amazing drum parts. Michael, thank you again for playing on our track. We ..."
"Another wonderful job by my favorite string arranger. Extremely competent and skilled! You can trust Meredith Moore to deliver!"
"Always the best to work with. Cecilia and Lucas deliver wonderful work every time, and I'm always thrilled to get the chance to collaborate together. Thank you both!"
"Stevan helped me with my EP and it turned out beautiful, he exceeds expectations every time, thank you Stevan for your great work, I highly recommend him for your musical projects!!!"