Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with YUFO
I`m working over 4 years with all styles.
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HI! I only race to win! ;)
Soulful Pop Songwriter | Indie Folk | Theatre Performer/Composer
If you are looking for that modern R&B/Hip Hop sound, look no further! I am not just a producer turned beat maker, with my expertise in piano playing and sound design I will be able to compose and create a great dynamic song for you. With sounds that match or even exceed the songs you love.
*Get REAL BASS by a professional musician* - smooth funk bass / crispy slap lines / driving RHCP soundalike / jazzy double bass - recorded on high end equipment. +++ *Get LYRICS and ARRANGEMENTS* - I am a songwriter and arranger/sounddesigner for you song. I write nice lyrics in english or german and i do arrangements for band, horns and strings.
Writer, Producer, and Instrumentalist
I write and produce songs for the genre's Pop, R&B and Alternative. My specialty is Alternative-R&B with Middle Eastern and South Asian influence. I bring a sonic blend of contemporary, electronic and traditional elements.
Produced for 4rtykPolo, Noval, Chiefcole, Timothy Briones, Domy, Danilka and so on
Recent Successes
"Great to work with! Super Talent! "
"Great results! I had a track mastered with Zuubi and managed to end up with what I had in mind for the final version. Helpful feedback and direction was given to get the best result with my track. A+"
"Jordan was great to work with. He was attentive to what I was looking for in the vocal and delivered a professional and perfect track in a timely fashion. His voice is unique and gives my track a sound that makes it p..."
"He'll create a world for you to sing/rap in. If ya'll looking for that closed eyed canvas stuff.. He makes a lot of it for me, so.. :) -S"
"Rudiger is such a phenomenal singer. He is truly a remarkable talent. I've worked with him on a number of songs and every time he exceeds expectations."
"Ian put together a Spotify Canvas for me that I wanted to be more unique and involved as far as the animation components etc. were concerned. The Canvas turned out amazing, he was timely and professional and I would ..."
"Cris really nailed the vibe I was looking for in my track and was an amazing dude to work with. Would highly recommend and looking forward to future collaborations! "
"Darren just blew me away! Absolutely stunning vocal and creative work, he did this vocally that I would never have thought of, a true professional! The Melodie’s he created to blend with my vocals took the song to..."