Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Young Singers of West Georgia
I'm Jason Hernandez, an aspiring music producer and versatile session musician, with a proven track record of collaborating with numerous local artists and musicians in the Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) industry, bringing their creative visions to life.
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Hi, my name is Jerome LaRochelle and I offer online mixing and mastering services. I have more than 15 years of experience mixing all kind of music genre from music theater, jazz, folk to hardcore heavy metal! Music has always been a passion of mine, and I have always been dedicated to getting the best possible sound.
A One stop shop for all your songwriting needs. I am a singer/writer/multi-instrumentalist/producer. I play guitar, bass, sax, clarinet, piano, and a few others. I have musical and skill knowledge across many styles and genres
I can play violin with any and all genres of music. Love to improvise but can also do classical! Singer/songwriter too!
Soy un bajista con experiencia en grabacion y en vivo con más de 15 años el medio, con influencia latina, funk, rock, fusion, indie y muchos más géneros musicales.
Sound engineer and keyboardist based in Paris, France. I can mix your song remotely in a professional studio as well as record vintage synths for your productions
Meet TJB, the versatile music producer and mixing engineer who defies genre limitations. With expertise in pop, hip-hop, electronic, and more, TJB's exceptional tracks break boundaries and inspire artistic visions. Unlock your unique sound today with TJB.
Jake Seal is renowned for developing cutting-edge technologies and innovative production techniques.
I’m Eric, a music producer specializing in creating captivating beats and exploring the art of vocals and mastering. My passion lies in crafting unique, rhythmic beats that set the foundation for any track while ensuring the vocals and final mix shine. Whether you’re looking for innovative beats, vocal refinement, or professional mastering.
Recent Successes
"Amazing talent!! His production skills are next level, his mixing skill are next level. Your gonna definitely want this guy producing your music. Thanks again Luke, cant wait for the next one :) "
"Mr. Mig always makes sure that every part of the song sounds better than it did before. Note by note, line by line. It's a tedious process but so worth it! Just when you think your song can't sound any better he sprin..."
"Excellent to work with such a competent and quick musician to deliver the work. I hope that we will work together on future projects. "
"P-E est toujours aussi réactif et enthousiaste de proposer ses services avec une simplicité de communication agréable. Je vais continuer à solliciter son jeu expérimenté et sa sensibilité sur mes prochaines chansons; ..."
"Courtney always delivers top quality! "
"Josh is by far one of the best people I've worked with on this platform! He's extremely talented and knows just how to make the track sound the way I want! I'm very grateful and definitely planning on hiring him again!! "
"More stellar tracks from an outstanding player!!! Brian creates a ton of energy in his playing and provides tracks with both high quality sound and well fit parts. Always a pleasure to work with and super respon..."
"Exceptional job! I love what he brought to my mix and it gave it life I didn't even know was possible! really brought the best out of the track :)"
"Super talented guy! I think this recent production is by far our favourite record and we are grateful to have Yoed be part of this."
"Andres, was very timely and communicative throughout the mastering process. Provided us with a quick turnaround and professional service."